Chapter 27 ~ Something On The Side

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Davenport Homestead, 1775

"Our enemy is tenacious. When money failed them, they took to force. But I have slain Johnson and Pitcairn both, ending their plots. George Washington now rallies the colonists and their march towards freedom begins in earnest. Little wonder then, that the Templars want him dead." My words were surprisingly calm, collected even as I leaned on the table against the wall that held all the images of the Templars we sought, Haytham being at the highest point on the wall. Achilles stood beside me with his ever so observant gaze resting upon me.

Connor leaned against a wall across from us, against the wall the racks that held assassin's robes if there were ever to be any that filled them other than my own robes and Connor's. "They seek to reshape this land into something cold and ordered. Something soulless. And he is an obstacle. We must save him, that his cause can flouris and my people remain safe." His eyes were cast down when I looked over to him, his arms folded across his chest while he seemed to be deep in thought. My own eyes turned back and I stood up, folding my own arms as I looked up to the wall before me.

"But the more I prod, the greater the chance we are discovered. The Templars believe their men lost to the revolution. In their eyes, the Assassins are gone and scattered - no longer a threat. But I fear they will soon discover the truth, and along with it Connor and I. We must tread carefully."

I looked over to Achilles and he looked to the wall of Templars now himself. "Well... how fares this hunt of yours."

Running a hand along my face, my shoulders shrugged. "There is progress, but I worry it is not enough."

"You must strike where you're needed most. What if you pursued Charles Lee or Haytham, Connor's father - what then of Paul Revere? And the soldiers at Lexington?"

My head turned now to Achilles. "Soldiers? There were no soldiers in those towns - only men and women who were forced to defend themselves."

"Is this not why you two fight? To protect your people?" My eyes fell from Achilles now and I sighed. "Your struggle is the colonists struggle. In helping one you help the other."

I smiled some at that but Connor scoffed, standing now and moving towards a parting Achilles who made his way up onto the stairs.

"Encouraging words from one who thought ours a fool's errand."

Achilles laughed and I couldn't help but turn from the wall to see their exchange.

"Make no mistake - I still do. But I can't help but feel some pride in your success."

"And why should I give you any credit?"

"Then don't," Achilles started as he stopped on the stairs on his way up. "But first, return the robe. And the blades. And the darts. And all of the years of training and knowledge I have bestowed upon you. Return these and then your words may have some merit."

With that Achilles made his way further upstairs. Connor followed quick after him and I groaned.


"Or you could just admit you were wrong." Why he had to go on on the subject was beyond me and I could hear footsteps upstairs. Meaning my mother was up and about. I hurried up quickly after them both.

"Oh child please. Canada has killed two men - one more salesman than soldier. You're going to have to try harder than that to impress me."

"Is that so old man?"

"Connor!" I called after him as I came up behind him in the kitchen. He continued after Achilles though who had wandered off into the other room with a cup of tea in hand.

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