Chapter 16 ~ The Boston Tea Party Part 1

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Connor claimed he knew where we were to be going but the longer we wandered the streets of Boston, the more I doubted his claim. 

"Are you positive you-" Before I could finish my question, a question I'd asked multiple times in the last few minutes, he cut he me off, stopping down one of the alleys we were making our way through. 

"Yes. How many times must I tell you that?" Connor spoke in our native tongue then, his eyes searching my face. I glanced around to see we were alone and I heaved a heavy breath. He noticed I was uncomfortable and sighed before pressing another question. "Who was that letter for?" 

"Letter? What letter?" I tried to slyly sneak out of his hardening gaze. 

"You must take me for a fool. I saw you back at the Homestead, putting it in your robes. I saw you fiddling with it on the way here. After seeing the messenger, I assumed that was the only reasonable reason you ran off. To send the letter. To who was it for?" 

So many questions, so quickly. I simply shrugged and kept walking on down the ally. " For someone." 

"Oh?" Connor questioned, grabbing my arm and halting my steps. "Don't they have a name?" He asked as he twirled me around to face him.

"It was just for a friend of mine. Now do you mind? I would just like to finish what he came here to do. You claim to know where it is Sam is and I would very much appreciate if you stop your child play and take us along." I spoke this now in English and glanced over my shoulder. I did not want to fight with my dear friend. I just wanted to finish what were here to do. 

     Connor sighed before he pulled me into a hug, whispering in our language to me, "I am sorry. I am just weary. For the sake of you and our people." 

    "Luckily for you, you need not worry over me." I smiled as I pulled away, patting his arm. He nodded and without another word led me on down the alley and through another street before stopping at what seemed to be a tavern. 

     "He should be in here." Connor stated as he fixed his hood and opened the door. I followed suit then entered as well to find two men sitting on stools at the bar of the tavern. It was quiet in there except for the voices of the men who I now realized were Sam and a friend of his. They talked on as Connor and I stood by the door before Sam looked up to notice us, his eyes bright with pleasure to see we'd in fact came. 

     "Connor! Canada! I'd like you to meet some like-minded friends: the owner of this fine establishment, William Molineux, and the manager and chief of his newest venture, Stephane Chapheau." The owner sat back in his seat, arms folded, as if to hold himself up with pride. I heard someone walking up and when I glanced to my right I saw the man we just helped. 

     "Ah, those two and myself just had a ball with some Redcoats enforcing some taxmen outside my home." Stephane smiled towards us both and I nodded to him before looking back to William and Sam. 

     "The collectors grow bolder and more forceful. Something we must address, Samuel." William remarked as he glanced from us to Sam. Sam was looking down to his hands before nodding in agreement. 

     "Then let us raise a banner. Something to let the people know that they are not alone. The docks are an angry place to late, protesters picketing the latest shipments of British tea. The eyes of the city are upon that stage..." Sam raised his fist at his own words, a gesture showing he meant what he spoke.

     "A Bostonian without his tea is a dangerous beast!" Stephane added. 

     "William Johnson is smuggling the tea off the ships - one of his men..." William, the tavern owner, pulled a small, white cloth sack from his coat and tossed it onto the bar counter before us. "... tried to sell me this. A sample of what I refused, but it's from those ships – no mistaking the stamp." Connor watched William as he spoke but my eyes wandered to Sam as he took the small sack and observed it. "He's charging a King's ransom, must be he's a mint off those who buy it." 

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