Chapter 2 ~ Juno

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     Ratonhnhaké:ton had entered first into the longhouse, and I sat beside a warm and crackling fire, playing with small rocks and waiting my turn alone. The others had retreated now into the other longhouses as the sun was close to setting. I had no understanding of why we were called upon but I just continued to sit and think, occasionally glancing at the thick walls of the longhouse and wondering. Always wondering.

What was it that she would speak to us about? I thought to myself as I heard the faint voice of Ratonhnhaké:ton asking something inside. I truly thought nothing of it before watching him suddenly leave, giving a small glance towards me while walking through the village towards the walls.

When the Clan Mother did finally return to me, she stood beside the archway and motioned for me to come forth. I did. Quickly.

Unlike the cooling evening of the mid-summer day, the Clan Mother's smile was warm. She motioned for me to sit beside another fire and I did. She moved to sit across from me and watched me for a time as I did her.

"You wonder why I have called you to be here with me, is that not so my child?" A small nod was my response. She returned it and considered the small fire before us. "It has been many years since anyone in our village has left this valley, beyond these woods. Your father and mother being some of the last ones to ever do so."

My eyes too looked to the fire as I listened to her, my heart wrenching some of the memory of my mother. The thought of my mother and father together again a desire of mine for it would bring him happiness. He never seemed to act as if he missed her, just simply would say we'd see her someday soon again... I never understood what he meant by that.

"May I ask why Ratonhnhaké:ton left the village walls?" She looked up to me then, her wise eyes giving me warmth as if she'd absorbed it whilst looking into the fire.

"He has to think, I do believe. Slightly dazed is all my child, you need not worry."

"Then why am I here?"

"Well... something has come up. You are of an age now that I best... explain to you some things..."

"Sixteen years and now I am to learn a secret?"

"Of why we are not to leave the valley." She stood to her feet slowly and walked to one of the benches at the wall of the longhouse, grabbing a box and again taking her seat. "Within' this Ratonhnhaké:ton found the answers he had been searching for."

I never knew what answers he could have possibly been looking for but the more I thought about it, the more I could come to understand he would surely be seeking answers about his mother. Ashes now long since mixed with the Earth one Elder once spoke of her.

"About being more than we seem?" I asked as I shifted in my spot.

"Precisely my child. You see, our people were tasked with guarding the secrets of these lands, our lands, sacred ground, to keep it hidden from the world. Here, come take this and let your eyes see the truth."

I stood quickly to my feet and moved to where she sat, taking the box before returning to my place and removing the small crystal ball. It was clear and cool to the touch as I carefully observed it.

"What... is this?"

"A door." She replied with a knowing tone.

Beams of light covered the room suddenly and I blinked to adjust to the scenery before me; alone I was in the longhouse now.

"Clan Mother?" I said aloud.

No response was given.

The room grew dark then and the only light was that from the crystal ball in my hands, beams going every which way.

"Greetings guardian." I heard a voice. My eyes went wide as a woman, slightly transparent, stood before me.

In my confusion I managed to ask her where I was. But the woman, the person before me, simply observed me as I did her.

"You are where you were before. If you mean to ask what it is you now see - it is known as the Nexus. From here, probabilities are calculated so that a proper path may be chosen."

I looked to her with confusion. "What path?"

She knew the answer to such a question. "Yours."

With her words, the item I held caused more light to flood around me and all became brighter until I saw nothing but this blinding light. Not even my hands I could see.

Was I dead? No... that couldn't be...

With time, something came into view. But it was slowly appearing around me to allow me to now see we stood in the forest. The time had progressed rapidly for it was no longer mid-summer but spring. Everything was greener and more life was noticeable, but I was confused greatly.

"Follow me." The woman told me, moving now down a grassy path.

"Why are we here?"

"Because it is where you feel the safest. Where you feel free, is that not so?" She did not look back as she walked.

I was taken back by her knowledge. "It is..."

"We have waited many millennia for your arrival. Yours and Ratonhnhaké:ton's - to lend him the last piece to open the door."

As I felt myself capable of breathing the air, everything began to fade again to nothing but light. "Wait but... I don't understand..."

"Nor need you. You are important, child. In more ways than you will ever know." I couldn't help but feel this was all a dream I had yet to wake up from. "As we speak, forces are gathering to seize this land and the sanctuary it holds. They will breach it." I looked to her in confusion as I followed her still in this place of light but did not speak as she continued. "You are linked to many, past and present, many who have changed the world and who will change it - so too shall you. Therefore, you are much needed."

"Needed for what?" I pleaded for an answer.

The woman turned to look to me. "Ratonhnhaké:ton is needed to protect the Temple and with that, he needs a guardian."

"What does this have to do with myself?"

She gave a small smile. "You are to be his guardian, to protect him and help guide him when trials arise. You will go through the same hardship he does. He is needed to stop the people who wish to breach the sanctuary, you are needed to make sure that he does that much and to be the eye over him."

The scene changed back to inside the longhouse, there the woman before me. "You are much needed, for you will be the ultimate factor."

"How?" I pleaded again for answer.

"You will receive training from a man who will give you all the knowledge you need. Time will answer your questions, but for now you must go. For you will have to go with Ratonhnhaké:ton to find this man."

Nothing more was said and I was left in darkness. Everything absorbing into my thoughts before I felt something shaking me, and the voice of the Clan Mother. My eyes opened at her words. "You are to be his guardian, to watch in the night and protect him from those who wish death upon him."

I was beyond words. I felt conflicted and confused but felt as though I had to go forth with this. "What if I am to fail you, Clan Mother, and Ratonhnhaké:ton? I would fail Kaniehtí:io..." I spoke in an exhausted tone, seeing light peak through the openings of the longhouse. I was so tired...

"You must believe in yourself, my child, as I do."

"Am I to go with him?"

The Clan Mother nodded with a smile.

"Yes, for you will find something I should have told you many seasons ago."

Rubbing my eyes, I started to my feet.

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