Aiden Gallagher ( fluff )

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Two months ago my boyfriend aiden started filming for the 3rd season of umbrella academy. He has been spending all his time filming that we haven't spent much time together and it feels like forever since we went on a date. He had messaged me an hour ago saying that he wouldn't be home till about 11 and that just made my mood go down even more. 

Sitting down for another meal on my own I decided to try and take my mind off aiden and focus on finishing some work I had for the office. That didn't help much though. Almost a year ago I had been so busy with work that I didn't have much time to spend with aiden. The thing was I  always tried to get time off and tried to finish faster so I could spend more time with him but it feels like he never tries to be with me and its almost like he forgets about me. I dont want to confront him about it though as I know that acting Is his passion and I know how hard he works I just wish he would spend more time with me.

Aidens POV
I'd just finished filming a scene with David and I realised that the time was 8. I've been missing y/n so much and I can't wait to see her tonight. I know she gets a bit upset that I don't see her that much and I hate not being with her everyday it's just filming has been really busy recently but I do try and get some time off. I decided to tell her a bit later today so when I can suprise her when I get home earlier. I'm going to buy her some flowers chocolate and give her something off set. " aiden come on we need to film this scene " " ok coming robert "

Your POV 
It was now 9 and I had managed to get through some paper work and I was just sitting down watching a film. I thought I heard a car pull up outside but knew it could only be aidan and he wasn't going to be back for another two hours. It was now my favourite scene where she was walking down the Isle ( in crazy rich aisans ). After it finished I heard someone say something.  " I think our wedding should be just like that. "  I turned around to see him standing with a bunch of flowers and a massive grin on his face. I quickly jumped up and ran into his arms. " omg why are you back so early. "  " I wanted to suprise you. But baby I know you get upset when I spend all my time filming so I decided that from now on your my main priority. "  " but acting Is your job and your passion I don't want to stop you from doing what you love. " your not stopping me from doing anything love , now let's finish this film and we can have a night to our selves. "  " ok thank you bub "   " it's okay princess. "

For the rest of the night we stayed on the sofa and watched films laughed together and talked about each others day.  " oh baby I have one last gift for you "  " what is it "    He reached into his pocket and pulled out the little five figurine from the first movie.  " aw I love it thank you "    " well I love you " 
" I love you too "

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