benny watts ( part 3 )

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It's been 2 months since me and benny have got married.  We have been getting along fine till yesterday. I had met up with one of my friends from my childhood. Alfie. Benny just couldn't seem to handle the fact that he was a boy. 

He told me that he trusted me but not
Alfie and that he was scared he would make a move. I tried to convince him that he had nothing to worry about but It didn't work.

Today was my first scan to see how far along pregnant I was. I didn't get the chance to tell benny as we had the argument when I was about to tell him.

I didnt want to go on my own so I decided that I was going to make things up with benny.

I walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the table playing chess. He had a cup of coffee in his hand and he was concentrating hard. I saw him play a pawn move then he lifted his head and looked at me.

" are you going to see your boyfriend again "   god he's such a child. " no why do you keep saying that "   " well you were out with him for 4 hours a few days ago. "    " wow 4 hours I must have fallen deeply in love being with him for so long "     " just fuck off y/n "    " no not until we sort things out "   " there's nothing to sort out. I know you don't really love me and even if it's not Alfie it's someone else. I just know that it's not me "  " wow of course. That's definitely the reason I'm going to hospital to find out how many weeks old our fucking child is. " 

I storm out of the appartement but keep walking even when I here benny calling my name.   I was so angry that I forgot my coat and now it's raining ( Omg not the rain scene in every love story ever I wonder whats about to happen 😑). I heard the door slam and benny ran to me , picked me up and kissed me ( 🙄 ). 

We both pulled away and rested our foreheads on each others. " I'm so sorry y/n. You have to believe me that I trusted you and it was him I didn't trust. If you would have told me that the appointment was today I would have sorted things with you sooner. I love you y/n and I ca- "  I cut him off by kissing him again. " it's ok I forgive you. I should have told you sooner about the scan but you can come with me OK "   He nods his head and we start walking to the hospital.

Time skip
' So as we can see this is the baby here.' The nurse said pointing to the machine.  So it looks like your actually 4 months pregnant. '  " I'm sorry but did I hear you right ?"  " yes I said 4 months "  

Time skip again
So umm that was 5 months ago. I am now in labour giving birth to my baby girl. "It's ok my love just squeeze my hand " benny was in the room with me and its safe to say he's not much help.  I squeeze his hand as another contraction hits me.  " oww. That hurt  "  " benny watts don't you fucking dare say it hurts. I am here giving birth to our child !"   I may have screamed a little but I'm in labour it's aloud.

"OK your now 10 centimetres dilated so were going to start pushing now ok " I nod my head and prepare for the next 5 minutes of torture.  " ok were doing push number one now.  Im going to count down from five for you to get yourself ready then I'm going to count to 10. For those 10 seconds I'm going to need you to push really hard ok "   " ok I'm ready "

5...4...3. Ok get ready 2..1  I pushed as hard as I could. 5 pushes later the pain was over and I was now holding my baby girl. " omg well done baby you did it "  benny praised me as he kissed the top of my head.  " omg she's so beautiful " 

The tears are now streaming down my face and I look over to see benny in awe. " do you want to hold her ?"  He nods his head and I pass our little girl to him. I watch him as he holds her gently. God I love this man " so do you guys have a name "  " ye we do her names ...

I have no names but I hope you guys enjoyed This mini series xx

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