vinnie hacker ( live stream )

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So I've figured out that you guys like the chapter about vinnie hacker in so I'm going to make a new one.

I just arrived at the hype house as my boyfriend vinnie asked if I could come over. I was on my way to vinnies room but Micheal stopped me before I could. " just warning you he's streaming again. "   " ugh for fucks sake he never gives me attention when he's streaming "   " yea sorry y/n "   " nah it's fine thanks for letting me know. "   He nods before walking away.

You knock on vinnies door but he doesn't respond. You decide to go in anyway and you see him streaming.  You went up behind him and hugged him "  oh hey baby "   " hey "    ' vinnie help us '  ' sorry guys '   he goes back to his game.  " vinnie you asked me to come over and now your ignoring me "   " just one more game "   " vinnie that last time you said that you played 16 more games and I ended up hanging out with mia "   " ok just let me just finish this game. "   " ugh fine " 

10 games later
" viniiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee. You said one game it's been TEN more. "   you look over to see he is still playing his game and he hasn't even been listening to you. You had enough so you stormed out of his room. You run down the stairs when thomas stops you. " he's done it again hasn't he "   " yea I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it "   " no you won't it's not fair he asks you round then ignores you "   thomad has always been like a father and big brother to you so he hates when vinnie ignores you.   " I'm going to talk to him. "   " no don't I promise its fine. "   " ok if your sure "  " yea Im just going to leave now  "

Vinnies POV
" boys come on we need to win "   " ok don't worry we got this. "   " umm vinnie i would check your stream comments mate . " " um ok "  ' did anyone see y/n leaving. '   ' vinnie did you ignore her again '   ' no wonder y/n gets annoyed he never pays attention too her. "   " guys I'm gonna go now "   " good and make sure she doesn't hate you now " 

I quickly run downstairs when I hear y/n talking to thomas   ' it's not fair he asks you round then ignores you '   ' I'm going to talk to him '    ' no don't i promise its fine '  '  ok if your sure '   ' yea I'm just going to leave now '    " y/n wait "  she turns around with tears in her eyes   " ill leave you too to it then. "   " y/n im really sorry "  I go up to her and hug her   " y/n please don't leave I'm sorry I ignored you "   " yea you say that every time and you still do it "  " I'm sorry I promise I won't do it again " 

We stay in the same position hugging for a minute till she pulls away.  " if your really sorry then you will do this one thing for me "  " ok anything "   " you will say yes to me for the day "  " umm "  " ok it starts now "  " wait what "  " carry me upstairs "  I do as she says and I can tell she's going to enjoy this.

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