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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Muffled voices. Papers shuffling. Light, soft, small cries and sniffling.

Willa's eyes opened to a doctor hovering over her, putting an IV in her arm. "What's going on?"

"You passed out from malnutrition," the doctor said. "We recommend eating at least twice a day to avoid this from happening again. Mrs. Perry is right over there," he pointed behind him to Katy in the chair, bracing herself with her head down and big black shades on. "I want you to stay here for the next twelve hours to rest, and we got you applesauce for starters," he brought the infamous rolling hospital tray over that had three mini applesauces and a mini ginger ale.

"Please eat baby." Katy whispered, her head still bowed. Willa felt her heart sink. The doctor left the room.

Katy rushed to Willas' bedside, grabbing her jacket and tearing it off of her as if it was a hundred degrees, and used the clutch on the side of the hospital bed to lower the bar so she could slide into bed with Willa. She lay on top of her and they made out for a whole ten minutes. A tear dropped from Katys' eye.

"Shh, don't feel bad, baby,"

"What am I about to do to you.." Katy sighed heavy. "I'm pressuring you too much to get into work so soon. You're only eighteen. I just know the kind of opportunities you'll get Willa. I just don't want you to turn fucking crazy like some freaks I know."

"You're not doing anything wrong, Katy. I know you only want the best for me. I'm old enough to make a choice and that is to be with you, always. I won't go crazy as long as we're together."

Katy tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, tracing Willas' lips.



"I'll eat, okay? Promise." she held up her pinky and they locked together and so did their lips.

"Good. Because this..." she felt her tummy and ribs under her hospital gown, grazing her fingertips over her sharp hipbones. "Is not okay with me."

"Mmmmm. Yes ma'am," Willa nodded in a salute fashion.

"Shutup," Katy nudged her, both of them giggling.

"It's already have the look, you know? You're perfect," they kissed again. "I'm going to break up with John. He's an asshole anyway.. it was just hard to let go. But, I've let go. Fully."

Willa bit her lip from smiling. This was all that she wanted to hear for so many months. Months of not knowing whether her and John would finally just break it off. Katy sat up to reveal she wasn't wearing anything under the hoodie she threw on when she rushed Willa to immediate emergency. Willa pulled her gown all the way up over her head, Katy lowering herself between her thighs. Katy inched up to Willas' face to suck her lips hard. Katy slid off her black jeans and underwear and propped herself on one of Willas' thighs. Willa instantly moaned from feeling Katys' wet pussy on her thigh. Katy ground herself against her slowly. "Now I'm all yours."

"Fuck.." Willa squirmed and started breathing way faster. Her hands trembled. Her clit swelled. "K-katy," she crooned. "Officially?"


Katy Perry Fanfiction: Stay AgainWhere stories live. Discover now