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3rd person

The following morning, Yoongi wakes up in a good mood which surprised him because he usually hates waking up early in the morning. As his eyes slowly flutter open, his eyes blink multiple times as his sight adjusts to the brightness coming from the window. He notices that he is back in the bedroom that he shares with the oldest member of the group.

Yoongi groans as he stretches his arms out while releasing a small yawn. His brows suddenly furrow when he realizes that the bed that he is sleeping on is a bit cramped. He moves around the bed when he notices a warm body pressed against him and large arms wrapped around his waist.

"Hm? Yoongichi?" A familiar voice came from behind him.

Yoongi looks over his shoulder to see that Seokjin has found his way on his bed and decided to sleep with him. Not only did the oldest member not ask permission to sleep on the same bed as him, but Seokjin had the audacity to invade his personal space and wrap his arms around him like he's a teddy bear.

"Hyung!" Yoongi whines, his morning voice turning a little high pitched out of annoyance. "What are you doing?"

Seokjin buries his face in the crook of his neck with a smile, "Just spending some quality time with my favorite Yoongichi."

"I'm your only Yoongichi," The younger argued with a pout on his lips, his eyes closing once again due to sleepiness.

The older grins and pulls Yoongi closer to him, "Exactly."

Seokjin has always been Yoongi's roommate ever since the company had the money to provide the group with a larger dorm so that they could have roommates. While Yoongi didn't really have much say to which member his roommate was going to be because Seokjin already grabbed his hand before he can say anything, it is safe to say that he did not regret ever staying quiet at that moment.

He loves being Jin's roommate even though he is too shy to admit it and will always deny his members' accusations. Seokjin finds this endearing, he knows that Yoongi always gets shy whenever it comes to his relationships with other people. Being Yoongi's roommate for many years, he has learned everything that there is to know about Yoongi and is happy to use this advantage to win the bet over his members.

With his mind flying around the bet that he made with his members last night, Jin couldn't help but possessively turn Yoongi around by the shoulder to make him face him which he earned a yelp from the younger as he pulls his closer to his chest.

"What — Jin hyung! What are you doing?!" Yoongi's muffled voice echoes against his chest.

But the older didn't respond and only raised his hand to Yoongi's head and began playing with his fluffy morning hair while his other hand was placed on the back of Yoongi's waist.

"Shh~ let's go back to sleep," He tells the younger. "Let's have some quality bonding time right here in our room — in our bed."

"You mean my bed," Yoongi sighs and raises his head to pull away from Jin's chest. "As much as I want to take your offer and go back to sleep, Joon and I have some stuff to take care of in my studio."

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