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"What do you mean you're backing out?" Hoseok's loud voice echoed across the four corners of the room that Jin and Yoongi share. "Jimin, we're already past a month and you're only saying that now?!"

Namjoon steps in, "Calm down, we don't want to raise our voices and raise any more suspicions from Yoongi hyung."

But Jimin and Hoseok ignored their leader's comment about raising their voices because Jimin could potentially shout at the top of his lungs right now without even giving a single fuck.

"You haven't seen the way he looked at me yesterday!" He raises his voice. "I can't sleep properly for the whole week after that day because guilt is drowning me! You don't know how it feels like to lie in front of him because you know he's going to get hurt."

Hoseok lets out a sarcastic and bitter laugh, "You don't think I know?! Jimin, we went out to eat dinner outside and you don't think I don't feel bad lying to him about what we're really doing behind his back?! He trusts me — he trusts all of us to tell him the truth but we know he would get hurt."

"Alright! That is enough!" Seokjin's voice boomed as he stands up from his bed, the members' eyes turning to him as they cower in fear. "Can the two of you just shut the hell up?! Yoongi could be back from his studio any minute, if he hears the two of you arguing at the top of your lungs, we won't have a choice but be forced to lie to him again — he might just get even more suspicious because we're fighting!"

There is a short moment of silence between the six of them as they try to calm themselves down.

Jimin had gathered everyone in the oldest member's room for privacy to make sure that Yoongi wouldn't hear a single word that they're talking about before he gets home from work in his studio.

It has been more than a week ever since the day the two of them went to the park and Jimin has since then been suffering from the guilt that he is feeling inside. He needed to share his troubles with his members and officially announced that he is backing out of the bet because of the guilt that he is feeling and the other members are outraged, telling him that they're feeling the same way.

"Look, Jimin, I get it, you feel bad and you feel guilty, that's why you want nothing to do with this anymore," Seokjin finally breaks the silence. "But we already made so much damage of getting his hopes up —"

"— I think Yoongi hyung doesn't even care about this," Jungkook interrupts him. "From what I can see, he's just curious about why we're acting weird and nothing else. He's really oblivious when it comes to people showing interest in him."

Jimin frowns, "But I still feel bad for trying to flirt with him and stuff just to win some stupid bet."

Then, their leader finally speaks, "Then, is it settled? Is everyone else willing to back out of the bet?"

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