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3rd person

"Come on, hyung, what's the point of having a fat ass if you're not going to use it properly?"

Yoongi's brows furrowed as he continued to move his body, sweat beginning to form on his forehead, "Shut the fuck up, Jung Hoseok! Can't you see I'm trying?! It's easy for you to say, you're good with moving your body and I like sleeping."

Hoseok chuckles at his older member's response, "This is the reason why I'm here, to help you, now let's put your fat ass to good use."

"Stop talking about my ass, you pervert!" Yoongi exclaims and hitting his member on the shoulder. "How many times do I have to tell you?!"

But the younger just laughed as he watched his older member try to beat him up by sending small and cut punches and slaps on his chest and tiny kicks that didn't even hurt. He finds it cute, to be honest, whenever Yoongi would get irritated and would hiss out curse words and would start trying to beat people up but doesn't really succeed.

Hoseok knows that no matter how angry or irritated Yoongi will be, he can never hurt him or their members. Yoongi cares for them too much to see them in pain.

"Okay — okay," The younger tries to stop laughing but he couldn't after seeing Yoongi's reddened face, puffy cheeks, and pouty lips. "I promise — I promise I won't say anything about your delicious —"

"— Jung fucking Hoseok!"

"Okay! I'm sorry!!"

Bangtan just finished their practice for today but Yoongi decided to stay back in the practice room to go over some of the dance moves that he had a hard time on, promising to not overwork himself and to come home before dinner when the oldest member gave him a knowing look.

Lika the good group member that he is, Hoseok stayed back with Yoongi in the practice room to help his member with the said dance moves that he was planning on improving since he is the main dancer of the group.

Knowing that Hoseok will be there to keep an eye on Yoongi, Seokjin seemed satisfied when he and the rest of their members finally left to go back to their dorm to rest.

"Come on, hyung, let's go over the song one last time."

Yoongi nods and takes a deep breath, waiting for Hoseok to press play for the song to start.

Even though they can feel their bodies giving out from exhaustion after practicing and dancing to the same song for more than ten times now, they made sure to not make any mistakes — especially Yoongi. Unlike his other members, he isn't the most active person out there compared to Hoseok who literally dances for a living.

He can't mess up so the two of them can go home already.

Yoongi picks up the pace to catch up with Hoseok and match with him. Even though he may not be the best at dancing in the group, he is one of the most hardworking — well, they all are very hardworking but not in the sense of finishing making multiple songs in just a day like Yoongi.

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