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Min Yoongi

Do they all feel the same way towards me?

A couple of months had passed ever since I noticed my members' change in personality and attitude. Not that they have all changed completely but I keep noticing that there is something off about the way they act not towards others but for me.

Living together with six other men for almost a decade has revealed a lot about me that I didn't know before — especially my sexuality. Although I already had an idea back when we were still trainees, living with these six men I call my family now has made it very clear to me. We are all open about who we are to each other and I am happy that we get to be ourselves around each other after growing up together and living under the same roof.

There are things about my members that had helped me figure out who I really am but I can't say that I was influenced by six hot men who I see and talk to every single day — which is partially true.

Liking my own groupmate — let alone all six of them has affected me in a way that I have never told anyone before. Keeping my feelings for myself has been a habit for me and is now a part of my daily life which is why it is so easy to keep it hidden from the rest of the world and the rest of my group members. Although I get easily flustered and shy whenever they do something, I'm just glad they only take it as a joke and don't actually get suspicious.

We all know everything about our sexuality and it has never been a problem for all of us but even though we have known that all of us at least gets attracted to the male species, we have never voiced out about our attraction towards each other as more than friends.

Sure, there are times when we joke around about finding the other member handsome, cute, or hot but we all only take it as a joke. But whenever my members compliment me, it is always so hard to only take it as a joke because I want it to be genuine. I know that they all admire me as a person — as a friend but there is nothing more than that.

And I wish there was something more.

I am so used to my group members complimenting me and flirting with me to the point that I would take it and make myself believe that they genuinely find me attractive or admirable enough to like as more than a friend than cry every night silently because I don't want to wake Jin hyung up.

I don't blame them, though, I guess life is better this way. Having a relationship between group members can be nice but there can be serious repercussions and it will not only affect the people in the relationship but the whole group and their fandom.

Out of everyone in this world — out of anything that could have happened to me in this world, the holy beings chose to punish me for being gay by making me fall for all six of my group members who clearly want nothing to do with me except spend the rest of my life with them as their friend.

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