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3rd person

The following day, Bangtan has noticed that Yoongi had woken up in such a bad mood today. It would have been normal since they are all used to seeing Yoongi with a frown on his face with his brows knit together and hearing him spit out harsh words towards anyone or anything that bothers or annoys him in any way, shape, and form.

But today is not like any other day, Min Yoongi has woken up at the farthest side of the wrong side of the bed because the moment he walked out of the room that he shares with the oldest member, he would pass by any of his members, not making any eye contact or uttering a word to them.

At first, they had thought that this is a new sign of Yoongi being in a bad mood but for some reason, they noticed that Yoongi is purposely avoiding them like they're the plague and one look at them or one touch could kill him in an instant.

"Oh?" Seokjin turns around with a plate of pancakes in his hand. "Good morning, Yoongichi!"

The oldest member took it upon himself to wake up early and make breakfast for the rest of the group and knowing that one of his members had not eaten anything for dinner last night, he decided to make a larger batch than usual.

"How was your sleep?" Seokjin asks him after not receiving a reply to his greeting earlier. He can see the grumpy look on Yoongi's face and could immediately conclude that his member had woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

Still, Yoongi did not say a single word nor make any form of contact with their oldest member. Instead, he just ignored him and sat down on an empty seat on the table, and decided to silently eat breakfast on his own. Seokjin found this extremely disturbing because even though Yoongi may wake up in a grumpy state in the morning, he still replies to his members whenever he is spoken to or at least makes an effort to respond.

Seokjin doesn't know what to do or say but he also doesn't want to frustrate his member even more so he zips his mouth shut and stays silent until the other members finally decide to join them in the kitchen.

It only took a few moments for the others to begin walking in the kitchen for their breakfast one by one. They all walked in with somewhat happy looks on their faces, the usual droopy eyes and yawns coming from their mouths as they take a seat with the others on the table for their breakfast.

They all looked at Seokjin and raised their brows when they saw the worried look on his face. Confusion wash over them as he continues to eat slowly, Seokjin seemed distracted and his gaze keeps going back and forth from his plate of food to their other member, Yoongi, who has been quiet the whole time which is not new to them anymore.

"Good morning, Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok happily exclaims as he is the last member who stepped inside of the kitchen for breakfast. "We didn't get to see you for dinner, you said you were tired, we're all worried for you, hyung."

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