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Alternate ending

A/N: This one doesn't have chapter 8 where Yoongi talked about his sexuality.

3rd person

"So, who's going to pick up Yoongi hyung from his studio?" Namjoon asks all of the members who are lounging around in the living room.

Once again, Yoongi had left the dorm late in the afternoon as soon as he finished eating lunch with the remaining members because the others had some stuff to do. Instead of wasting his time back in the dorm just lounging around, he decided to make use of it and went to his studio to do some work.

Since then, the members have not seen him nor have heard from him even though they tried calling him home for dinner while Hoseok was helping Seokjin to cook. They knew that they need to call Yoongi home early so he could arrive just in time for dinner. Usually, their member would be so tired that he would immediately go to sleep after dinner and wouldn't have enough energy left to spend time with the others.

The members don't mind, though, they all get tired at some point and although Yoongi may be overworking himself to the point of exhaustion, he is doing it for the sake of the group and their fans. Bangtan deeply admires his work and Yoongi as a person, it makes them ask themselves why no one has asked Yoongi out — then they remember that it would be hard for them to date anyone outside of the company.

Jimin shakes his head, "I already did it last time and he slammed the door to my face."

Some of the other members agreed with his statement. Although they care about Yoongi and they know that deep inside, he cares about them as well, they cannot hide the fact that they are still scared of those harsh words coming out of his mouth and the abrupt threats he would give them because they all know damn well that whatever threat comes out of his mouth will happen.

"Come on, Joon," Seokjin releases a sigh and stands up from his seat. "I need a helping hand if Yoongi gets stubborn and won't leave his studio."

While the two men are now putting on their coats and shoes, the rest of the remaining group members, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, four of them are talking about the said bet that they made that is still ongoing months later.

They had succeeded to make it as subtle as possible at first with their advances to the said member to not overwhelm him or scare him but as time goes on, seeing how oblivious Yoongi has been, each member is beginning to get bolder and bolder with each passing day.

"I swear! He literally doesn't have a clue about what we're doing to him," Taehyung exclaims.

Jungkook and Jimin agree with his statement. "I know! It's like he doesn't even notice all the flirty comments and not subtle touches that I give him and I am running out of ideas," Jimin adds.

"We should have known that this would be harder than we thought," Hoseok shakes his head. "Hyung is too oblivious than we expected."

"At least we get reactions from him," Jungkook tries to be positive. "It's better than getting nothing at all."

While the four of them are talking, Namjoon and Seokjin just walked out of their rooms with their coats in their hands. They can hear what the four are talking about and decided to stay in the living room to put their jackets on.

"That's the point of the be that we're having about Yoongi," Seokjin says. "We're having a competition on who would break our Yoongi make him fall for one of us to be the winner. It would be like finding out how to date a person like him."

Their leader raises a brow, "You say that like Yoongi hyung is different."

Before Seokjin can say anything back, Taehyung decided to barge in and speak, "It's just a simple game, Yoongi hyung would understand that we're just joking, right?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings," Jimin says guiltily.

Jungkook crosses his arms, "Not to be negative but we kind of are, after all, we're trying to make him fall for one of us to be considered the winner."

"I would agree with our maknae there," Hoseok says. "But we already talked about this when Taehyung decided to keep the game going."

The said member raises a brow, "Who told you guys to keep playing? I said I wanted to date Yoongi hyung for real."

"Liar," Jimin calls him. "You only said that so you could finish the bet without any competition and win, dumbass!"

The maknae agrees, "You're just like about actually having feelings for him to win."

Taehyung raises his arms in surrender as all of his members begin to give him death glares, "It's not like I'm the only one! Don't give me those looks when you guys are doing the same thing! Who really has feelings for hyung in the first place?"

At this, everyone began to speak out their opinions and thoughts, trying to explain their side of the story to not feel guilty about anything that they had done. Nobody notices the familiar man standing by the doorway who had heard it all.

"Those fucking assholes," Says Yoongi to himself who just quietly stepped inside of the dorm, hearing his members' conversation echoing from the distance.

"These fuckers think I'm into men?"

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