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3rd person

After spending the day with Namjoon in his office and having very nosy members, in less than just thirty minutes, all the members knew about Namjoon and Yoongi almost kissing if it weren't for Yoongi himself who had stopped the intimate act. But after seeing the sad look on his member's face, Yoongi ended up giving him a kiss on the cheek which made Namjoon into a smiling mess for the whole day.

The members kept teasing the two of them about it the moment they knew and Yoongi knows that they are just joking about it but he couldn't help but notice the weird looks that the members are giving Namjoon whenever they think that he is not looking.

Yoongi is also confused why Namjoon would always brag about the kiss on the cheek that he had given him every minute of the day and it seemed like he's trying to make the others jealous and the most shocking part is that the others are jealous.

Now, the rest of his members are also asking him for a kiss on the cheek telling him that it would be unfair if only Namjoon got one.

"Jin hyung? What are you doing?" Yoongi asks when he sees the oldest member alone in the kitchen. The other members are out right now, leaving the two of them alone in the dorm.

Seokjin turns around with a knife in his hand and greets Yoongi with a warm smile, "Oh, Yoongichi! There you are!"

The younger took a step back the moment he saw his member holding a knife with a warm smile on his face. There are moments in Yoongi's life where he just takes a step away from the world and rethinks all his life choices and why he ended up with a secret serial killer as a group member.

"I was planning on waking you up from your nap but it looks like you woke up on your own," Seokjin says and pointing at the empty stool right next to the kitchen island. "Why don't you sit there and watch me work, hm? If you want, you can also help me with cutting the ingredients."

Hearing the oldest member talk to him like a kid is not unusual. Ever since they were still trainees, Yoongi would get treated like a kid no matter how much he acted upset even though he actually likes being pampered, he's just too embarrassed to admit it but everyone else kind of knows at this point.

Being Yoongi's only hyung in the group, Seokjin wanted to make his member feel loved and cared for just like the other members. He knows how much Yoongi takes his role as producer and hyung of the group very seriously but this meant that he is too busy taking care of the group and the other members that he won't be able to take care of himself - but this is where he comes in.

This is why even though Yoongi may say that he dislikes being pampered or that he can push Jin away all he wants, deep inside, Seokjin knows that the rapper adores being treated like he is the most precious thing in the world.

All the members know that Yoongi secretly likes physical contact such as holding hands and hugs - even kisses - but he just won't admit it. This affects him greatly because he gets too embarrassed to ask his members to hold his hands or hug him as the others would normally do. He loves physical contact, he just doesn't want to initiate said contact.

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