My Plan

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I went home, thinking about what I could do, since my life is the worst.

I then received a text from an unknown number, claiming that they were Ryan. We chatted a bit, and then he asked for my snap. I gladly gave it to him.

*huge time skip bitches*

I went to class an hour early, my plan is starting soon.

I went onto the roof, setting up everything I needed.

*mini time skip, literally*

I waited for everyone to gather around me. 'I will be preforming a song'

The music started. I inhaled and then exhaled. 'I can do this' I thought to myself.


I finished singing, and everyone started laughing at me, saying I sounded horrible.

I got off the roof, sobbing.

'Hey, are you okay Kota?' Ryan asked, clearly concerned. 'No' I simply responded. He then hugged me and told me I did amazing.

I sniffled, and he asked me a question I wanted him to ask me for the longest time.

'Kota, will you be my girlfriend?'

#truelove story of white emily pick me girl and 'cute boy' in her classWhere stories live. Discover now