Chapter 10 [SWQ]

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February 22, 2011 (3:00 pm)

People say that time flies when your having fun. Let me tell you all something...

Time flies all the time!

I've been doing nothing for the past four hours and it still feels like it's ten in the morning. What is this? The only time where time drags on and on is when your in school. Vacation will end when it feels like it's only been a day. It's already day four of vacation. That means it's almost half over. This really sucks.


Dani's P.O.V.

Dani's Journal

Dear Journal,

Okay, so yesterday didn't end up turning better, at least at first anyway. Towards the end it got better, but not before Jace had to be a complete ass. He forgot my birthday.

Yep, it wasn't until Kuruka told him that he remembered. But really, in the situation we are in, who could blame him. Plus he has the disadvantage of being a guy.

At least he killed the forty-sixth rouge. Now we only have Tokala yet. Ew.

Anyway, he made up for it by getting me a very, very pretty necklace, which is around my neck at this very moment. I love it. It has a moonstone in it. And it was the first time in a long time that he told me he loved me, kissed me, and cuddled with me.

Jace is actually really cuddly. I would curl up next to his side and fit my head in the crook of his shoulder. One of my arms would be carefully tucked away between our bodies, while the other would just be draped lazily across his stomach. One of Jace's arms would be wrapped around my waist and the other would gently stroke the arm that was across his stomach. Occasionally, he would steal a few kisses on my face. Sometimes, it was my head, others it was my temple, my cheeks, my nose, my lips. It was pure heaven.

I'm getting too ahead of myself. Pretty soon I'll be describing every single detail about him. Back to the day.

Today was probably the best day of my life, too. Jace took me riding.

It was so amazing. I haven't been riding since I was twelve. I rode Payton and he was just gorgeous. May was right how well we were together. I want to see him again. I miss riding. It used to be a getaway for me. A getaway from my human life. Of course that's what I thought I was when I rode.

It was when I was fourteen when I realized what I was and who I was.

But then I met Jace and everything unfolded from there. And here I am today.

So, getting back to today, well, tonight actually. Tonight was just perfect. I've never had a better night. Well, with the exception of waitress number one. I wonder what Katie did to not make her come back. Oh well.

I even had my first glass of champagne. Let me tell you something... it tasted absolutely horrible! It was way too bubbly for my taste. Oh well, my food and ice-tea made up for it. I shouldn't think about food, though. It always makes me want ice-cream cake for some reason.

Continuing.... we then went to the park and talked a bit. Some emotional things were said, and it ended with a kiss. <3

The only thing I didn't talk about was the e-mail I got. I didn't want to ruin the night. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm going to tell Jace about it. I'm sure it was nothing. I mean, it's impossible for someone to be like me. It was probably just someone trying to scare me. Maybe one of my brothers pulling a prank.

The Lone She-Wolf: The Spirit Wolf's QuestWhere stories live. Discover now