Chapter 16 [SWQ]

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April 11, 2011 (7:15 pm)

Okay, so I'm really hoping I have this finished by Thursday, but there's no way of knowing whether or not that will happen. I'm hoping it does, and I think I'll be able to do it, but you never know.

Anyway, over my absence, I will be writing a bunch and I'm hoping that I'll be able to write a lot more, but I'm going to try to write in my actual notebook for the Saviour story with Elena Collins, I have a lot written, but like only a couple chapters typed... and my friend in RL keeps asking for it. *Cough... midnightrose66...Cough*

So 16...?


Dani's P.O.V.

It was mid-morning, yet the forest was eerily shadowed. The only noise I could hear was the beat of my heart, my breathing, and the soft crunch of my feet on the ground. Every part of my body told me to leave and go find my mate. The wolf side of me wanted him there to comfort me. But I told myself to keep moving forward. I had to finish this mission.

There was no doubt in my mind that Tokala knew Jace was gone. He probably wanted him to leave. And I know for a fact that Tokala would use that against me.

I missed Jace. I would always miss him, but I shouldn't be with him. And as long as I was alive, he'd be okay. Jace doesn't want to be immortal. It would be so painful for him to watch all of the people he loves grow up around him. Change and live full lives, while he'd be the same forever. There was nothing I knew more than this: If Jace became immortal, then he'd go rouge.

Being so caught up in my thoughts about Jace, I didn't hear the twig snap until the person who snapped it had stepped out of the bushes in front of me.


I held my ground and ignored the growl that was threatening to sound. He smiled at me. "Danielle Cameron," he said. "You got my message?"

"Loud and clear," I said through gritted teeth.

He smiled again. "Now don't be like that, darling," he cooed. And at that I growled. Tokala's eyes narrowed slightly, but other than that, he ignored my growl. "I think it's time to formally introduce myself. My name is Jordan Thames."

Jordan? He's J! He sent me the e-mail! I was sure of it. "You will always be Tokala," I snarled. "A dirty, sneaky fox. And we are in no way the same!"

Tokala smiled. "See, that's where you're wrong, darling. We are more alike than you could ever guess. Come on. Let's talk," he said as he started walking. I didn't move. "Now, Danielle. Or I can call the Redsin pack and tell them how a certain alpha from the Blue Stone pack is absent from their territory."

My eyes widened. Jace wouldn't be able to make it back home for at least another two days! And that was without any stops. With my head hung low, I started walking after him. I needed to protect the pack.

He led me to a small cave, well it appeared to be small. When I stepped through the entrance, I found it to be much larger than it seemed. He told me to sit in one of the two fold up chairs next to a small table. Tokala sat down with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He poured the drinks, but I refused mine.

He studied me for a minute. "What's wrong, darling?" he asked in that hypnotic voice he had. "Afraid I poisioned your drink?"

I smirked. "I'm immortal, idiot. Even if you did poison it, I wouldn't die. I don't drink and even if i did, then I wouldn't until I got some answers."

My answer seemed to have amused him. I didn't like that and I didn't like being so close to him alone. Yet, it was odd. Tokala had been classified as a rouge, but he was more civil than any rouge I've seen. Something was different about him. "I don't think I'll tell you anything until you give me something."

That got me angrier. I took the glass of wine and threw it's contents at him. He growled. "You bitch!" he snarled at me. In a flash, he was on top of me with a hand at my throat. The tables and chairs had been knocked down and my back was on the floor. I started to panic when he pulled a switchblade on me.

I tried to calm myself enough to focus. In a swift movement, I freed a hand and knocked the blade out of his hand. He growled and put both hands to my neck and tried to strangle me. Tokala's not a very quick thinker apparently. Trying to kill an immortal is like trying to drown a fish.

In order to get him off of me, I kneed him in a very, very sensitive place, if you know what I mean. He groaned and rolled off of me. I took that as my chance to grab the blade. Tokala was still on his knees, so I took my advantage. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the chair. I picked it up and smashed it over his head.

Tokala fell forward and was out cold. I didn't waste anytime. Quickly, I opened the chair and heaved him onto it. After grabbing some rope I found in a crate in the cave, I tied him tightly. Now, I just have to wait.

There were other crates, so I started looking through them. He had a whole crate dedicated to Jace and me. Insane, stalker creep! There were photos, tapes, and logs about us. I needed to remind myself to burn them later.

Soon, I got bored of searching his stuff and grabbed another bottle of wine and a glass. I set the second chair and table straight. I poured myself a glass of wine and waited.

Waited some more.

Sipped wine and waited.

Stared out the cave entrance, sipped wine, and waited.

Kicked a rock, stared out the cave entrance, sipped wine, and waited.

Finally, Tokala groaned softly and his eyelids fluttered opened."What do you want?" he asked breathlessly.

Not even trying to hide my smirk, I answered him. "Answers," I said simply.

He shook his head and growled at me. I took out a small vile of poisoned acid and grasped his hair. I pulled his head back and tipped the vile. "The tables have turned, Tokala," I said in a feral voice. "You refuse, you will be tortured. I won't kill you. I'll make this as painful as it needs to be."

Tokala cursed. "Fine. What do you want to know?"

I pulled back and capped the vile. "Good," I smiled. "Now, what do you mean when you say we're the same?"

He looked at me and laughed. I gave him a weird look. Maybe he is a normal rogue after all...

"We're both Harvest moon werewolves."

All I could do was stare at him with a mask of horror. I don't think I was going to like what was to come next.


April 15, 2011 (12:30 am)

Okay, so it's really late, but as promised, I got this out didn't I? Yup, and you know what this means...

I won't be able to upload for another like week and a half!

I know. I know...

The timing totally sucks considering I just started updating this story again, and I'm sorry. But at least I got three out to you quickly, right?

Can I be forgiven? ... I really hope so because I've had to take a lot of crap this week from sports to insulting people on wattpad to a bunch of other drama. So see you all later.


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