Chapter 11 [SWQ]

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February 25, 2011 (11:05 am)

Sorry guys! I meant to get this out to you last night, but I had a lot going on with people returning from vacation and hanging out with friends and whatever. So, sorry. I didn't really feel like writing at one in the morning when my sister went to bed. If I don't get this out to you today, then I'm sorry, but I have high hopes that I will, but who can predict the future?

Anyway, let's see what's in store for today...


Dani's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next morning, I found that the room, let alone the bed, was void of any other person except me. Where was that boy now?

I didn't have much time to think it over because a few second later, the phone rang. I answered it quickly hoping it was Jace. 'Hello?'

'It's me,' Kuruka answered.

'Oh,' I said sounding disappointed.

'Wow, thanks,' she said.

'Sorry, it's just that-'

I didn't get to finish because she interrupted me. 'He left to go get some breakfast and coffee,' she said.


'You shouldn't worry so much, D,' Kuruka said. 'Trust him.'

'It's not that I don't trust him,' I said. 'It's just I worry when I don't know where he is,' I said as I propped the phone between my ear and my shoulder. 'I mean, I know that he can't die or anything, but I don't want him getting into any trouble.'

I heard Kuruka laugh on the other end. "Nice one. You do trust him, yet you don't?'

'I don't know. I all I know is that I don't want him to leave me without telling me where he's going,' I explained. 'I get worried.'

'You sound like his wife.'

Even though she probably couldn't see me, I rolled my eyes. 'I'm his mate.'

'Don't you roll your eyes at me Danielle Cameron,' she scolded. Oh, right. Physcic. I forgot.

'Sorry, Ru,' I said. 'So you called for...?'

'Oh, that's right,' she said. 'I know Tokala's location.'

'Really?' I asked. 'Well, where is he?'

'He's isn't that far from you, actually. He's taken residence in a town just forty miles south from where you are now. It's a town called Lake Forest.'

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