Chapter 19 [SWQ]

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April 30, 2011 ( 12:05 pm )

Okay, so I really hope that you guys liked that last chapter. I gave it a lot of thought and worked pretty hard on it. I’m also hoping that you will like this next chapter. There will be a surprise in it and I think it’s a pretty good surprise. I though of it last month and was really excited to put it into this story.

Anyway, I have my ice-cream, and I’m ready to write. I really hope that I can get this chapter out to you all by tonight, but again it will probably be late tonight, if I can get it out. When I say tonight… it means like 1-2 am …. So yeah….

And now… Chapter 19!


Jace’s P.O.V.

Dani saw the Spirit Wolf once before. Five years ago. I’ve never seen it, but it was sure a sight to see. It trotted down on the star-lined path that had formed in the middle of the sky. The Spirit Wolf leaped onto the ground and padded towards the two of us. I had the urge to put my body in front of my mates. After what just happened, it would be realistic for me to be protective of her. Especially tonight.

Kuruka had called me the moment Dani left out the window. She explained to me all about Tokala, Dani, and the Harvest Moon. I can’t believe that neither of us have noticed this before. It wasn’t a small thing people could miss.

I couldn’t believe that I almost lost Dani tonight. I looked at her and my eyes caught her arm. It was bleeding, not badly, but there was a long scrape across her arm. She saw me looking at it and shrugged. “It could’ve been worse,” she said quietly. “Once the sun rises, I’ll be all right,” she assured me.

The Spirit Wolf stopped in front of us then. It was really a once in a life time experience to see it. Its fur was snow white except for its paws, muzzle, and tip of its tail, which was blue. Its eyes were striking silver, but I still thought Dani’s silver eyes as a wolf were much prettier.

There was a sense of power emitting from this wolf. I could almost see a faint glow from it. It was like a soft blue-ish hue. That was what told me that this was no ordinary wolf that you could ever find in the wild. Unless you were really oblivious, there was no way to miss that this wolf was special.

When I looked into its eyes I could see myself. It showed who I was and who I wanted to be. It showed me all the people I loved and painted a perfect picture of my life with them. Dani was always next to me. That made me happier than I’ve ever been, until I saw a vision of the past with my dad.

That reminded me that life was perfect. If it was then you’d be able to have everyone you loved around you forever. Life isn’t fair, but you have to make the best of it with what you’ve got.

 My arms went around Dani’s waist and I held her to my side. The Spirit Wolf chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, Jace,” it said. “I have no desire to hurt Danielle.” I relaxed slightly, but still kept my arms around her.

“I want to thank you both,” the Spirit Wolf continued. “You both have completed my quest. My deal was that if you did it, I’d give you your life back, and I have. You are free now to go and do what you want.”

My jaw dropped. “That’s it?” I asked in disbelief.

“Jace,” Dani warned me in a hushed-angry voice.

“No,” I said. “We spent five years away from our homes hunting damn rouges. You almost died in the process and we got into some really nasty arguments.” I looked at the Spirit Wolf and glared. “And you’re just saying, ‘Now you’re free to go,’ after practically ruining the last five years of our lives?”

The Lone She-Wolf: The Spirit Wolf's QuestWhere stories live. Discover now