Chapter 15 [SWQ]

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March 2011

Not much to write, here. It's been a while, huh? Anyway, it gave me a lot of time to think about where I'm headed with this and I've got something to make the ending amazing, but this one probably won't be as long as the first, but I'm pretty sure that the third one will be the longest out of the three, chapter-wise.

I've got A LOT planned for the next book. I'm hoping it will be completely epic, though I haven't figured out one of the major scenes yet, but anyway, it will be pretty good I hope. The only thing I'm not sure of is if I will wait a while before writing it, or whether or not I will start it right after this one. I'll probably wait and work on only my new book that I mentioned in Chapter 20(?) of What the She-Wolf Wants. So, I know you're waiting for Chapter 14, so here you go....



Jace's P.O.V.

I couldn't even think. How could she not tell me about this? We told each other everything. Ever damn detail in our lives. It's not like something small that I can brush off. This was my family's safety!

I've already lost my dad. I couldn't loose anyone else in my pack. If the Redsin Pack attacked, they wouldn't have their alpha. They'd be defenseless and confused. There was no way I could let that happen. I would do everything in my power to make sure that they were safe.

I thought she'd felt the same way. She lost her parents. Wouldn't she want to protect the pack, too? They treat her like family. Why can't she protect them like they're hers?

All of the sudden, my phone rang. I growled as I looked at the caller ID. Using my chin, I flipped it open, while I kept one hand gripping the steering wheel, and pressed talk. “You better have a good reason for keeping things from you’re alpha!” I snapped at who I thought to be Shane.

“Yeah?” a feminine voice said. “Maybe because you’re mate and my best friend’s life is on the line!” she shouted back at me. “Things are going to be fine here until you guys get back! So you better drag your sorry ass back there and help her!”

“Shut up, Katie,” I snarled. “She kept secrets from me. She lied to me. I didn’t do anything wrong. She put herself before my pack.”

I should've expected this to be Katie. The text from the dinner a few nights ago proved that Katie would always have her back. But that's the thing. Dani's back. Even when she was wrong. I know I couldn't blame Katie for being a good friend, but Dani was wrong this time.

Thinking about the dinner made me wince thinking about the night I'd spent with my mate. Everything about her was imprinted in my mind. It's like I needed to be brainwashed just to forget about her for a second.

“Our pack, Jace,” she sighed. “Dani’s part of the pack, too. And she knows that if she doesn’t survive this, neither will the pack. You know that you’ll loose yourself if she’s gone. I mean, seriously, Jace. You were ready to kill yourself the first time she died! And this time, if she does die, it will be permanent. And you'll never be able to ever see her again. Is this little argument worth loosing the one person your meant to be with forever?"

I shook my head. “You’re wrong,” I said. "And it's not just a little argument."

“Really, Jace?” Katie asked. “I’ve seen this future and my visions are never wrong unless you change it! I've never seen anybody so miserable than I just saw saw you five minutes before you called!"

“Forget it!” I shouted. “Don’t blame me for this! None of it’s my fault and I don't care what the consequences are!” I snapped the phone shut and threw it into the passenger seat. I could smell Dani all around me and my wolf was whining for her. I sighed. Family comes first, I reminded myself.

The Lone She-Wolf: The Spirit Wolf's QuestWhere stories live. Discover now