Chapter 8 : New Arrival (Part 1)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh :

Y/n : " * still has the same gentle smile on his face * Good night, my precious little Rose", he whispered to her, before he had laid his head back on his own soft pillow letting the sleep to consume him.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Play the music on top)

Author's POV

The next morning Y/n had woken up next to Ruby that was actually snuggled close to him in her sleep, snoring softly as if she was a baby.

Y/n : ' * In his mind* She's just so cute', he thought to himself smiling softly at her and averting his gaze from her, not wanting to seem like a creep has she woken up when he was looking at her.

He had then stood up and stretched a little bit, getting the tension off of his body and had dressed up in his school uniform.

He had then opened the curtains of the room, seeing that the sun was up, meaning that he had to wake up the rest of his team. Great.

He had to first of all try to wake up the one that wouldn't do that much noise and between the others and Blake, yeah,... he could probably try to wake her up first.

Y/n : ' *In his mind * Why does she have a yarn near her?', he thought to himself and smirked slightly, having a mischievous idea in his mind to solve this mystery.

He had untied slightly the yarn, leaving a small woolen string of it to be there and proceeded to slightly tickle Blake with it and to his surprise, she had woken up and started to PLAY WITH IT.

Blake's POV

I was currently taking a nap, but something small and wooly was touching my nose. I don't know why but my feline instincts went to complete overdrive almost as if they were saying 'play PLAY P L A Y!!' to me and before I even knew it, I had begun to play with it.

I had woken up and before me, I saw Y/n smirking slightly at me, trying his best not to laugh and at his hands was my yarn. Oh f***.

Y/n : " * whispers to her * Wakey wakey little kitty", he said to me and I could hear the smirk in his tone.

Me : " Good morning Y/n", I grumbled, getting up and getting my yarn off of his hands, proceeding to get it as hidden as possible in my bed.

Author's POV

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

After some time, Y/n had managed to wake up Yang and Weiss, on Yang's case it wasn't that easy since the blonde was a REALLY heavy sleeper and ironically enough the only way to wake her up was actually a simple one. Basically the tickling way.

He had then tried to do the same thing for Weiss as well, but let's just say that this didn't made her feel that grateful for the rather playful awakening, but she had mostly just greeted Y/n with almost kicking him in the no no square and a pillow to the face, when she saw that he was away.

Finally it was time to wake up Ruby who had mysteriously slept through all of the commotion. He had approached closer to her and sat by her side on the bed.

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