Chapter 10 : New Arrival (Part 3)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

???1 : " Hide dormant inside the boy for a while my servant and I'll be the one to call you forth once the time come and the world will remember once again my name....

The name of Zork Necrophages", he said as the last thing that anyone could hear was his dark laughter.

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(A/n : Back in the team GPT's dorm)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Ruby had whined slightly in her sleep and had stretched slightly, she had tensed feeling that her space was quite more confined than it usually was and whimpered slightly feeling something carefully caressing her hair and back.

Y/n on the other side had stopped looking on the clouded sky, feeling that the small girl in his hands had woken up. He had looked towards her and gentle and worried violet eyes met with scared and wide silver eyes.

Ruby : " D-Don't hurt me", she whimpered slightly, backing up towards Y/n's curled fingers and tensed slightly as she was brought up to eye level with him, shivering badly and closing her eyes shut, thinking that she was actually merely moments away from seeing her worst nightmare becoming a reality, but yelped slightly feeling something touching her chest.

She had then slowly opened her eyes, scared of what she was going to see, but she had calmed down slightly seeing that Y/n was holding her close to his face in a hug as the thing she had felt on her was his nose.

Y/n : " * smiles softly looking at her* I would never hurt you Ruby, you're my little Rose after all.", he said to her in a reassuring way, using the pad of his thumb to gently caress Ruby's hair and back in an affectionate way.

Ruby : " It's just the fact that I thought that you were going to hurt me just because I am so much smaller than you are right now.", she said to him calmly, proceeding to hug and gently nuzzle his nose as if she was a small stray kitten, longing to get the affection that it wished for.

Y/n :" * chuckles softly * I had never hurt my friends, so I would never hurt or abuse the person that I truly love and care about. I love you too much to let you go or start abusing you just because you are smaller than I am Ruby Rose since you out of everyone that I know had managed to mend what was broken. ", he said to her calmly, giving her a small kiss on her head and upper body, earning a small yelp from the now shrunken Ruby that surprisingly enough had actually kissed back, despite the fact that she had blushed HARD by the sudden kiss.

Ruby : " Y/n? Is my condition going to be a permanent one?", she asked him politely about it, making the tri-color haired teen to chuckle slightly.

Y/n : " I don't think so, but think about the good news, I could give you bigger hugs or the fact that you could eat bigger cookies ", he said to her calmly, albeit a bit teasingly towards her.

Ruby : " * pouts childishly * Stop teasing me like this all the time ", she whined slightly at his words, playfully smacking his nose.

Y/n :" * rolls his eyes playfully to her * Well then, it seems that you don't want that some cookies for breakfast then?", he asked her rhetorically with a small smirk whilst holding a cookie that made Ruby's eyes to widen slightly in surprise seeing that the cookie was almost bigger than she was and made grabby hands towards it like a little child that had seen its parents giving to it a new toy or its favorite candy.

Y/n : " Fine, you can get it", he said to her calmly about it, giving her the cookie which made Ruby to say about a million thank you towards him.

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