Chapter 2:A Gigantic Surprise

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(A/n: In the previous chapter)

Y/n :" * stops laughing * You know what? * she tilts her head to the right in a confused manner * You're actually more brave than you think. No one else would even dare to get on me even if I was sleeping in my current size", I truthfully said to her.

(A/n : And now the Continue)

(A/n : Play the music on top)

Ruby's POV

Me : "I'm not that brave as you say I am. *lowers her head downwards, in order for her to look at his massive palm instead of his gentle crimson eyes * I was terrified of you and assumed the worst for you, despite the fact that you are probably the most gentle person that I have ever met. ", I said to him, because it's true that I was petrified of him, despite him being so gentle towards me. After that, I sensed a small pat on my head and I see that he took his massive index finger, under my chin and he gently lifted without any effort my head in order for me to look at him.

Y/n : *smiles at Ruby * First of all, I am up here and not down there. Secondly, I have to say that you had every right to be scared of me. I mean, if I was in your shoes even I would be scared if I saw that someone had my life literally in his hands. But my overall thought that you are a really brave person is actually true, you were afraid of me but you still talked to me getting less afraid of me by the second. You have a lot of courage laying dormant within yourself Ruby, sometimes you just have to allow it to come to the surface. ", he said to me and I hadn't seen that I actually blushed from his compliment.

Me : " * looks at Y/n * Thank you, it really means a lot that you made me feel better about myself. Also, could you please put me down? "

Y/n's POV

Me :" * nods * Alright, I will put you down, but remember to think about the advice that I gave you.", I said to her and I see her nodding. Afterwards , I lowered my right hand in which open palm I had her in previously close to the ground and I tilted it to the side a bit, so she could slide unharmed off my hand.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Ruby's POV

After I got off his hand, I got to the place where Yang, Weiss and Blake were all hiding. Once they saw me, Yang run close to me and hugged me, tightly.

Yang : " * hugs Ruby tightly * I am so glad you are alive. You really scared me out of my wits.", she said to me, because she thought that he was going to harm me.

Me : " * struggles to breathe * Y-Yang, ... I can't... breathe.", I said to her trying to her between my struggles to get a sufficient amount of oxygen to my lungs.

Yang : " * stops hugging Ruby *, * chuckles nervously * Sorry about that sis.", she said to me rubbing sheepishly the back of her neck.

Blake : " * sighs * Now that this is out of the way, could you please tell to us what did you learned about him?", she said to me having an inquisitive look in her eyes.

Me :" I learned that his name is Y/n and he was actually really gentle towards me, despite the fact that I was afraid of him. ", I said to them.

Weiss : " * has a questioning look in her eyes * Are you sure that this was not fake kindness? *sees that everyone is looking at her * I meant to say, what if he actually allowed you to leave so that he could gain your trust, making you to drop your guard when you were close to him, so you couldn't know if he is going to betray you. ", she said to me, unsure if we should trust him.

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