Chapter 11 : New Arrival (Last Part)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Anthony : " * in his mind * Wait a second, there's only one person that I know who has this name, could it be that Y/n THE King of Games is here as well!?", he thought to himself as he had gasped slightly seeing that his thoughts were true and weirdly enough he had seen that Y/n was coated in a bright golden aura and before he knew it, Y/n was a giant slightly TALLER than he was.

Anthony :" WHAT THE F***!!?", he yelled in surprise.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Y/n : " * smirks slightly * What, did you thought that you would be taller than I am the entire time?", he asked him politely, albeit in a teasing way towards the shocked teen with a small smirk.

Anthony : " * chuckles slightly * Quite ironic coming from the one who was basically one of the shortest in the entire group with probably the exceptions of Mai and Yugi", he retorted in a slightly smug way, making the ex-Pharaoh to cross his arms and grumble.

Y/n : " * grumbles * Fair enough ya jerk", he groaned towards him with an eye roll.

Yang : " * smirks slightly looking at Anthony * Well, I have to say that I like this one and * looks at Y/n * I didn't knew that you were one of the shortest of your friends", she said to him, not helping but laugh at the fact that the one who they knew as possibly the taller used to ironically enough be the shortest, which was a really good fuel for teasing the tri color teen.

Y/n on the other hand wasn't taking it so lightly to allow Yang to tease him on repeat since he didn't wanted to be always remembered as the shortest and decided to tease her a little bit by using his massive (A/n : Compared to Yang) forefinger to gently poke Yang, earning a yelp from her and rested his finger on her stomach, effortlessly pinning her down and having Yang to try to get his finger off of her.

Yang : " * chuckles nervously * Talk about not being able to lift a finger. * tries miserably to lift Y/n's finger off of her * You've gotten the results you wanted, can you lift your finger off of me?", she said to him, partly asking her about it.

Y/n : " * smirks slightly * Does that mean that you'll stop teasing me about it? ", he asked her politely about it, although in a teasing manner.

Rancor :" * mutters under his breath* They're so childish some times", he muttered with a face-palm.

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

Blake : " * sighs * They really are, but at least they're not hurting one another in the process", she said to him reassuringly, although neither she nor the others wanted to remember that one time when Yang's teasing attitude had went on a bit too far for their likings and nearly had Y/n to lass out towards her.

Yang : " * groans * Okay, I won't just move your finger off of me", she said to him with a groan and had gasped slightly, being able to take a breath once Y/n had moved his finger off of her.

Weiss : " * looks towards Anthony * Can you control your size?", she asked him politely about it.

Anthony : " And what if it's a one time thing, meaning that I'll get to normal once I've turned back? ", he asked her calmly, although it would be an interesting idea for him, but due to the fact that he could still remember the one that cursed him, it didn't really seem that his life would be that normal once done as such.

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