Chapter 3: The Strength Of The Pharaoh

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(A/n: Play the music on top)

(A/n: In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Y/n :" * looks surprised by the change in both his outfit and his size, but regains his composure and looks at the others *, * smirks * Well, I hope that this actually stops any further questions and doubts about the headmaster's proposal to me for joining the Academy. ", I said to them.

(A/n :And now the Continue)

Ruby's POV

After Y/n's meeting with the professors Ozpin and Goodwitch, we gave him a tour of the academy. Showing him where everything was so he wasn't going to get lost at his first day.

Me :" * looks at Y/n wiping an imaginary sweat drop off her forehead * Well, this is every place you need to know about Beacon, we hope you enjoy your staying here with us.", I said to him and I see that he turned to look at me smiling.

Y/n : " * smiles at Ruby * Thank you so much for showing me where everything is and indeed it's probably going to be an enjoy full time here at Beacon. ", he said to me and we heard a sound that made us jump in surprise, that sound's volume would only be compared to a bullhead getting ready to take off.

Y/n : " * looks at them, a cheesy smile adorns his face * Well, now that this is over, can we go to the cafeteria to get something to eat?", he asked us solving our question about what that sound was. That loud sound, was his stomach.

Ruby : " * hears that her stomach is starting to rumble softly * Well, you aren't wrong about that. "

(A/n: Small time skip to after they get something to eat)

Y/n's POV

After we got something to eat and luckily enough for me, they had f/f (A/n: f/f=favorite food), we decided to start a small talk between us, which was mostly me asking to them different kinds of questions, so I would get to know them a bit more. I mean, they are the team that has me as a fifth member for Ra's sake.

I was going to ask Ruby something, until I heard a feminine voice screaming and another more male voice answering whilst chuckling.

??? 1: "Ouch, stop it hurts!!!"

??? 2 : "* chuckles * See guys, I told you that they were real."

??? 3 : "What a freak!!!"

I look behind them and see a group of four people who were bullying a girl that wore glasses and had, bunny ears? This world, Remnant, gets more different than the Earth, by the time.

Yang : "Ugh, Cardin started bullying Velvet again.", she said eyeing him in both anger and disgust.

Blake : "Why can't the others understand that bullying the faunus is not OK for anyone!?", she said and she was right. Yet another time that I have to get others to stop doing bad things, I thought to myself sighing heavily through my nose, like a dragon who was blowing imaginary flames from his nostrils, before I stood up and started walking towards them.

Ruby : " * looks at Y/n who is menacingly walking towards the team CRDL * Y/n, what are you doing?", she asked me and I stop to turn my head, so I can look at her, even slightly above my shoulder, before answering her.

Me : " * his eyes turn into a blood red color * Nothing much, I am just going to show them their place by making them not to mess with the others and expect not to suffer the consequences.", I said to her as I then continued my way towards Cardin and his team.

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