Chapter 13 : Redemption (7,6K Reads Special)

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~ True redemption is... when guilt leads to good ~ Khaled Hosseini

~ Redemption is not Perfection. The redeemed must realize their imperfections ~ John Piper

(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Anthony : " What's so funny about it? ", he asked him politely as to why Y/n was chuckling all of a sudden as if he had heard a good joke.

Y/n :" They had probably brought us here in order to make us to focus on the mission ahead, but also at the surroundings, friends or foes around us. ", he said to them.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Anthony :" I can't understand it, if that's what they wanted us to learn, why did they brought us here for then? ", he asked them politely, having Rancor to sigh.

Rancor : "Isn't it obvious? They also brought us here because we have to also help professor Oobleck to collect samples from the tree syrup and thus we're here in the Forever Fall Forest.", he groaned .

Y/n : '*In his mind* Honestly, sometimes I think that Rancor and Weiss have more things in common than they think', he thought to himself sighing.

Ruby :" I think that we should go and find the others, except if someone fancies being scolded once we get back to Beacon after everything is over.", she said to them and as much as someone of them didn't want to oblige - Anthony and Yang to be more specific about it -, they had to go since they were assigning students into pairs and they didn't want to be left out.

(A/n : Small time skip to after the pairs were assigned since I had to see RWBY in quite a while 😭😭. As for the main pairs for this story they are :
-Y/n with Ruby
-Anthony with Yang and Weiss
-Rancor with Blake

(Let's say that the ships were quite easy to notice 😅)

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

(A/n : Still in Author's POV)

After the pairs were made, Goodwitch had given them the short description of the mission which basically was as follows.

Goodwitch : "* fixes the position of her glasses * You're about to get into the Forever Fall Forest and manage to retrieve as much sap as you possibly can. Don't worry about it, you'll be supplied with necessary equipment for its retrieval such as jars and tools needed in order to harvest the sap from the trees. The pair of students that's going to fill the most jars with sap they'll get extra points once the semester is over. Finally, if you see any Grimm activity try your best to strive away as much as possible. You'll be monitored during the entire process, so every bad habit you do will be penalized accordingly after we return to Beacon.", she said to them sternly and after she had gotten nods of approval from every student that was there, she had allowed them to go ahead.

(A/n : With Y/n and Ruby)

Ruby :" Let's get on finding ourselves some sap ", she said to him in a slightly cheerful manner, but there was something, a feeling in the former Pharaoh's mind that was quite unsettling like a storm or an event that you can see it slowly forming and approaching ever so close every single passing second, but you can't stop it from happening. He was so focused on it that he couldn't hear Ruby talking to him,not until Ruby had waved her hands in front of his face.

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