Chapter 5: The Pharaoh's Tiny Rose

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(A/n: In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Y/n : "Am I really in love with her?"

(A/n: And now the Continue)

(A/n: Play the music on top)

Yang's POV

After I woke up this morning, I saw to my surprise that Y/n and Ruby weren't into our dorm. I decided to go and find out where did they went. As I went outside of the Beacon Academy I saw that he was asleep with his Semblance (a.k.a the giant part of his powers) active, near the place where the initiation used to take place at.

He was laying on his back, with his right hand being on his torso and the other one is behind his head, like a pillow. I took a deep breath and decided to try and wake him up by poking him on his right cheek, key word "tried", because I am pretty sure he didn't feel a thing.

Thankfully he's not a heavy sleeper, I said to myself as I moved back away from his face, because I saw that his eyes were opening slightly.

Y/n : " * slightly opens his eyes * What do you want Yang, can't you see that I try to sleep?", he whispers to me into his morning voice yawning. Oh my God, his morning voice is so scary, I said to myself trying my best not to flinch by seeing him yawning.

Me :" I wanted to ask you if you saw where Ruby is? ", I said to him and I saw that he's standing up to a sitting position and puts his index finger in front of his mouth in a 'be quiet' motion.

I gave him a questioning look and saw that he slowly opened up the fingers of his right hand slightly and my eyes widen to my surprise as I saw that Ruby was sleeping snuggled close to his chest.

Me : " Why is she sleeping on you?", I asked him curiously.

Y/n : " * rubs the back of his head sheepishly * Well, she came to see me because I saw a nightmare from my past and she was feeling cold. So I figured out that if she snuggled close to me, she would feel better. ", he whispered to me.

Me : " * looks up to meet his gaze, her purple eyes lock with his now crimson counterparts * You really care about her, don't you? * she sees that he's nodding, his face blushed the same deep crimson as the color of his eyes * Wait a minute, you really love her THAT much. ", I said to him.

(A/n: Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Y/n :" * shrugs * It can't be helped, * sighs * whenever I am close to her, I feel stronger than ever before and my need to protect her grows even bigger, to the point of doing everything I can to see her happy and safe. Also, she's the one who treated me like a normal person despite being afraid of my size when she first met me. So, my answer is yes, I indeed love and care about her. ", he said to me looking down at Ruby, a soft, caring smile adorned his face.

Me :" Well, it seems like it is the same from her side as well, * she sees that it's Y/n's turn to give her a confused look * one of the things that she said to me after what happened to the cafeteria, is that every time she is close to you her heart beat becomes faster. I didn't understood it then, but now I know that she is probably having mutual feelings for you, Y/n. ", I truthfully said to him, because he needs to know about it.

Y/n's POV

So see indeed has feelings about me as well, I see, I thought to myself smiling.

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