Chapter 12 : First Mission (Part 1)

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~ With greater power, comes greater responsibility ~

Uncle Ben - MARVEL (he's Spiderman's uncle )

(A/n : Previously in Remnant's Pharaoh)

Ozpin : ' * In his mind * So my assumptions of them being related to one another were not effective, so what the case may be about it?", he thought to himself, looking towards the window, getting a sip of his coffee.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(A/n : Author's POV)

After his brief encounter with Ozpin, Anthony went to find the other members of his team and luckily enough they were waiting for him once he was outside of the elevator.

Y/n : " So how did your first meeting with the headmaster go?", he asked him politely about it, making Anthony to sigh.

Anthony : " Well, it's mostly the fact that he has this suspicious look at him. I don't mean it in an offensive manner, but more in a manner that it's as if he was planning something. ", he said to them, explaining his slight distrust towards the headmaster, hiding the question.

Y/n :" * nods * Well... as much as I hate to admit it, that was my first feeling when I had first met Ozpin myself and I have to say that he has probably a good reason as to why he has that suspicious attitude.", he said to him calmly.

Anthony : " Why is that? ", he asked him politely, his interest in the current matter being piqued by the tri color haired teen.

Y/n :" Try and be on his shoes for this one. Basically imagine it like that you are the headmaster in a huntsman academy that had a purpose of training teenagers in order to liberate the humans and faunus alike on this planet from the creatures known as Grimm and where people that deserve it are allowed to get in mainly due to the academy's extremely high reputation. So, wouldn't you be suspicious if you knew that in your academy there were two really strong people from another planet? ", he said to him, partly asking him.

Anthony :" Well, now that you're putting it like this, I can understand why Ozpin feels like this, although... * sighs * I'm afraid of the fact that I might fail due to not having proper control over my powers. ", he said to him and to his surprise Y/n had chuckled.

Y/n :" * chuckles slightly * I guessed that you felt like that and since I'll be the one to train you until you get to be able to control properly your powers, I can give you the simplest tip that you'll have to follow for now.
The tip is to basically imagine the world and the people around you as if they were made by either glass or a very thin type of paper, if you put more power than what's required they could break beyond repair and others might fear your power.", he said to him. (A/n : Guess the reference in Y/n's words)

Anthony :" Ok then, I'll try to keep that in mind and I hope that I won't disappoint you ", he said to him, grasping his head since it was a lot for him to understand, but he understood that he had to be extremely careful when he's using his powers or else someone could get badly hurt or worse dying because he can't control his powers properly.

Y/n: " * chuckles nervously * Well... don't worry about it since although it might sound like a lot to you, you'll get used to it eventually.", he said to him calmly with a nervous chuckle, albeit rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Anthony : " I see, so don't we have any place to stay before our next lesson? ", he asked him politely.

Y/n :"Each team has a dorm room provided to them by the academy for as long as they are learning here so that means once we finish the last year of learning in the academy, we are probably going to have to get to buy a home of our own, if we have the money that is of course. Would you like me to guide you to our dorm? ", he said to him calmly, partly asking him about it, making the latter to shrug slightly at his words.

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