Chapter 7: The Pharaoh's Past

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh )

Y/n : " This symbol as you say is a forbidden seal, The Seal of Orichalcos and as you guessed correctly Ruby it has a connection to me, to my past to be more precise. ", he said to us truthfully and one question remained in our minds. What has happened to his past that had that seal to make him more shocked than ever before?

(A/n : And now the Continue)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

Author's POV

After he said to them that a lot of questions started to run within their minds, like a swarm of bees when they had smelled the sweet nectar of the flowers from a nearby valley. Alas, they were not able to ask him about it, because they had in their academic curriculum the lesson of an extremely talkative professor that's non other than Professor Oobleck himself.

(A/n: ~ Le small King Crimson (a.k.a Time Skip for those who either haven't seen Jojo or they aren't that far) until they get to the middle of the lesson, is brought to you by Y/n (a.k.a Atem) comforting an extremely anxious-about-being-late-to-the-lesson Ruby (Dear God that's a lot of words within a time skip 😂). )

(A/n : Still in author's POV)

Once the lesson begun everyone had mixed feelings about it.

Yang : " * Groans mentally * So boring", she thought to herself as she tried her best to stay awake and don't fall asleep within the lesson.

Blake : " He talks so much that not only my mind, but even my instincts are saying to me to not listen to him", she thought to herself (A/n : Well guys when evsn Blake says that a professor's lesson is boring. This means that it's REALLY boring)

Weiss : " I could have heard my parents boasts about their wealth A THOUSAND more times than hearing him", she mentally groaned.

Ruby : " How can someone speak for so long!!!?", she thought to herself with a sigh, before looking at Y/n that his eyes unbeknownst to himself had flickered between red and violet for a split second in frustration.

Y/n : " How in the name of every God that was ever worshipped, is it even logically possible, for someone to be able to speak for so long, WITHOUT TAKING A SINGLE BREATH FOR OXYGEN!!!? And here I thought that the merchants back in Egypt were speaking for long, but only today, he just spoke even more than that!!! ", he thought to himself frustrated.

Professor Oobleck (P. O) :" Well that's all I needed to say to you about the faunus-human war. Now tell me, does anyone of you know about the legend of the last Pharaoh? ", he inquired in an inquisitive manner. ( A/n: For those who are possibly wondering I decided to do a small plot twist and make Oobleck's lesson something similar to a history class, just to be able to thicken the plot a little bit. )

Cardin :" Who cares about it, it's just a stupid bedtime story that some fools had made just to remain in history", he scoffed.

P. O : " * looks at Cardin and his goons and has a MASSIVE tick mark on his forehead * Mr Winchester, I don't think that I had ever allowed you to first and foremost, tell me how to do my lesson and secondly to use such a vulgar tone in my class of all. So if you want to do something like this again, then get your team and get out of my class in a detention for the rest of the hour. ", he said to him not at all amused by his cocky attitude.

Cardin :" * looks at his team as he stands up * Come on guys, I think that we've had enough of his attitude ", he said to them but to his surprise the rest of his team were not moving from their seats.

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