Oh no.

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I was working on the drawing I had to do for art when I was joined by the twins.
"Why won't you guys leave me alone?"
"We don't know anyone but you." They both told.
"Then mingle."
"Why don't you like us (y/n)?"
"You guys know why. I mean did you two honestly not think I wouldn't be ok with the stunt you pulled."
"That wasn't our fault." Ruby told.
"We would never have done anything like that to hurt you." Thomas added.
"Just leave me alone. I would like to finish my art piece in peace." I told before putting my head phones on to drown the world out.
'I hate my life sometimes.'

I walked into the kitchen to see my father was preparing dinner as usual and I went and sat across the counter to talk to him.
"Hey Dad."
"Do you remember Ruby and Thomas Cooper?"
"I do. Why do you ask?"
"Cause they are now in the same class as me. Turns out they moved here as well."
"Have they tried anything again?"
"They just keep pulling me and cause they forgot how light I am I keep falling to the ground. Also Thomas made it clear he still has a thing for me and I made it clear I have a boyfriend and I'm not interested in it."
"Well if they try another stunt, just tell them if they won't leave you along that you'll go to your teacher about your past with them and how you aren't comfortable with being near them."
"Is that all?" He asked as he put the chopped up onion into the pot.
"I was also curious if you knew yours and mums heritage. We are doing a class project on our heritage and have to do a speech in front of the class about it."
"Oh. Well we should still have all our photo albums and your mothers birth certificate as well as her old passport for when she was your age....." he began as he walked over to the small draws we had next to the door and opened one of the doors and pulled a few boxes out. "She also has done a full tracking of both of our heritages to see what we were made up on. This enough?"
"Definitely. Thanks dad."
"No problem sweetie. Now back to cooking soup." He told as he went back to the kitchen.
I made multiple trips to get all the boxes in my room and I started by going through the photo albums we had. I came across a photo of my mum hugging some girl and she looked really familiar.
'Where have I seen her before?'
I got the photo and flipped it to see a name I knew too well.
'Maria Crawford and Caline Bustier...... my mother and teacher knew eachother? Also my mums maiden name is Crawford?!'
I went through the album more to see there was a bunch of photos of my mum in Paris and a photo of her with two older people.
'I'm gonna have to go to miss. Bustier about this tomorrow.'

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