This is familiar.

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The trio of Ladybug, Chat noir and Espirit Bera were rushing about through the streets trying to get away from the dinosaur chasing after them.
"I hate this job sometimes!" Chat shouted.
"Same!" Ladybug and Espirit shouted back.
They were able to lose them briefly before Espirit heard a whisper. They looked around the abandoned square, confused who it was only to feel a sense of daja vu at the area.
'Weird.' She thought, before she moved closer to the centre like some trance had fallen upon her.
Before she was close, Chat tackled her to the ground, making her look to see one of the past Ladybug and Chat Noirs fighting a black ooze creature.
"Pull your head in Espirit!" Chat shouted before he got his fencing sword and fought what appeared to be a minion.
"What the....." Espirit spoke as they rushed to their feet in shock.
She rushed to grab her bow and a freezing arrow, only to get cut and dropped the arrow.
"Damn it!" She cursed, before seeing her blood looked just like the ooze and the arrows were iron tipped.
'What the hell happened in the past?' She thought before her name was called.
She looked towards it, seeing the t-Rex's tail swing and hit her flying into a wall.
'Gotta talk to Fu about this.'
She got the freeze arrow and fired it, hitting the ground beside the dinosaur, freezing it in place. As Chat rushed up the tail to break the cord holding the amulet they needed, the Ice started to crack.
"Spirits conform!" Espirit shouted, making the spirit hand form and grabbed the legs, making the dinosaur fall as soon as it freed itself, while Ladybug used her yo-yo to keep its mouth shut.

As Ladybug dealt with the victim, Espirit was looking down at the sewer cover. Confusing her why it was iron and had a bear carved in it, along with a lock and chains surrounding it.
'What were they fighting here?' She thought before she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She gave a jump at that before looking to see Chat with a worried look.
"You ok?"
"Not sure." She admitted, confused by everything.
"Come on. We better go." He told making her nod.
As the trio left, they missed some of the shadow from Espirits power, absorbing into her body and another part going into the crack that was on the old sewer cover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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