Jealousy, jealousy!

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'Imma stab them.'
I was rubbed my forehead trying to sooth the growing headache that was forming from the twin duo I hated.
"Please, god. Smite me dead." I groaned out.
"Did you know we are decedents from captain Cook." Ruby asked me.
"Pretty great, being related to the guy who found Australia. What does that Adrien guy have?" Thomas added.
"A) Adrien is the son of a fashion designer and a actress. B) the indigenous were the ones to discover it, the first documented landing by a European was by a Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon in 1606. Cook claimed the land for Great Britain on the 22nd of August, 1770. He also was kill by being stabbed in the neck in 1779. So obviously, Adrien is better by a long shot."
"I love when you talk knowledge." Thomas sighed out making me let out an annoyed 'ooo'.
I felt my phone go off, making me look to see it was a text from Adrien.
"I'm gonna kill him." He told making me look around before I saw him a few tables away, staring daggers towards Thomas.
'God that's hot.'
"Stay here." I told the twins before getting up and headed over to where he was sitting.
When I neared him, I couldn't help but smile at him and how he was acting.
"You look cute when jealous."
"I don't like him."
"Neither do I." I told as I sat down next to him.
"Then why talk to him?"
"Well part of it is cause they sought me out and talk to me. Another part.... They remind me of my life when my mum was still alive and we didn't have to deal with you know." I admitted, making him take my hand in his.
"What happened that made you start hating them?"
"They hurt me. They did a thing.... And all the blame fell on me." I told as he squeezed my hand.
"I'm here for you, babe."
'I'm glad I met him when I did.'

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