What the what?!

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I was relaxing behind the stairs of the entrance of the school when a voice spoke.
"You know you can stop hiding. They haven't realised you were here."
"How did you know I was here?" I asked as I briefly took a look.
"My lord! You can finally see and hear me!"
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Because I'm dead!"
"Yeah. Was killed in.... what year was it? The 1700 I think it might have been."
"How am I seeing and hearing you then?"
"Cause of a side effect of owning the bear miraculous. Master fu can explain it all to you when you see him next. But kid, your friends truely worry about you."
"That's simple. Adrien keeps texting you. Marinette keeps drawing things to make for you and goes to give you the gifts but stops herself, since she is worried it is too late for that. Nino has been telling himself off every time a conversation does not go the way he plans. And Alya, well she told them why you didn't tell them all when you did. They care for you."
"I'm losing my mind here."
"Your not I promise. I was the last bear miraculous owner. After awhile of owning it, things happen. It's a weird sight I know."
"I... I can't deal with this. Please leave."
"I'll be back later kiddo. Don't get akumatised now." He joked before walking off.
'I'm losing my mind.'
I got through the day of school and quickly rushed out of there. I got my skateboard and began to make my way to Gramps place when my phone went off. I quickly stopped and pulled it out to see it was (s/n).

"Hey, just wondering if you'll be home soon or not."
"I'm going to ride my skateboard around the city for a little bit. Been having a bad case of writers block and thought it might help."
"Just be careful. You should also visit uncle Bill at the bakery. Heard he likes it when we visit."
"I'll make sure to do that."
"See you when I see you."
"Same to you."

I put my phone back into my pocket and began my journey again. Once I got to gramps place I walked in holding my skateboard and knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
I took a deep breath and walked in to see him walking about.
"Hey gramps." I told as I shut the door behind me.
"It's good to see you again, (Y/n)."
"You know it's odd that your never working when I've come to see you."
"Just luck. Come sit. I have tea ready."
I walked over and sat down and he finished getting everything ready. He poured me a cup of tea before his and sat across from me.
"What do I owe the pleasure?"
"I've seen something. A dude who believes he might have died in the 1600 I think he said it was."
"I actually said 1700. But mistakes do happen." He told
"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed.
"Are you ok?" Gramps asked
"He showed up."
"Man Fu, you have gotten old."
"(Y/n), please explain to me what you are seeing."
"Tell him about what I told you kiddo."
"I'm seeing a male around the age of 18 by the looks of it. He says I can see him because of the bear miraculous having a side effect."
"I was wondering when this was to appear."
"When was what to appear gramps?"
"Oh I should tell you. My name is Michael." He told
"He said his name is Michael. Gramps what's going on?"
"A side effect the bear miraculous appears to have is the holder being able to see spirits. Out of superhero form."
"You knew about this before you gave me the miraculous?"
"It was always a story. I never knew if it was true before it happened now."
"I never told him. Thought I was just imagining it." Michael explained.
"Michael said he never told you."
"I explained to him the story when I suspected as such. It means your becoming more in control with the spirits the more you hold onto the miraculous."
"Just when things weren't complicated enough."
"What do you mean (y/n)?"
"She told the group about Hawkmoths true identity."
"He can't hear you Michael." I told before looking at gramps again. "The team now know about the situation."
"Ah. Which explains why you are alone."
"I'm pretty sure the more pressing matter here is the fact I can see Michael."
"That is true. But if the team falls apart then Hawkmoth will win."
"How am I meant to stop that from happening?"
"Part of it will need you to gain control over the new power of yours."
"This year is not gonna be easy is it?"
"Most likely not."
"Bring it then."

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