Seriously dude.

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(Y/n) p.o.v)

I walked back into my room after the terrible day I had with the twins pestering me again. Leaving me wanting to just relax on my bed and....
"Hiya buddy!" Micheal somewhat shouted making me jump from fright.
"What the hell?!" I hissed out once I made sure my door was shut.
"I thought you liked seeing me."
"Not when you scare me like this. Where the hell have you been anyway?"
"No Duh. I mean you were telling me something and then got yanked away and I haven't seen you since."
"Like I said. Out."
"It's kinda the ghost world's version of a different country if you will. We call this domain if you will, Out. Cause we leave this one to go to that one. I think it makes more sense when dead. But yeah I got pulled into the Out."
"That can happen?"
"The spirit domain isn't always in a state of stability. It sometimes has fluxes of uncertainty in it." He stated making me remember the conversation I had with Darcel.

"...Right now everything is at a unstable balance. A balance that's been going on for eons."

"Why is that weird mirror world in an unstable balance?" I asked him.
"Just is I suppose." He told as he put his hands in his pockets. "No one is actually sure of that domain. No one goes to it."
"I have though."
"Yeah so have I. No one understands how we get there but it happens. And you should also try and avoid going. Bad things there."
"Is there something you aren't telling me?" I asked him.
"I'm not allowed to right now. They don't think you are ready. So we have to wait." He told me, making me pull an unsure look.
"Ok then."
'Something is surely going on here.'
"Oooo! Grapes! I love grapes. Hated the fact Bjorn loved Berries, they weren't that great." Micheal told as he stole some of the grapes I had.
"I'm too tired to question how you can do that." I told him before relaxing.
'I'm so tired.'

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