The sad little kitten and the sad little cub

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(Adrien p.o.v)

I was resting on the Eiffel Tower and looked out over the city.
'I wish Espirit was with me. I miss her so much.'
I heard a light thud on the tower and someone sit down on the other side of the corner I was at.
"Why couldn't I have just told him when I found out straight away? Oh I know why! It's cause it would have ruined his view on him. This is a bigger mess then Australia."
I slowly stood up and looked around the corner to see her staring out to the city looking like she might cry.
"You look like you need some company." I told
She quickly looked up at me and was scared till she realised it was just me.
"You scared me Chat."
"Sorry." I told as I sat next to her.
"I should go." She told but I quickly placed my hand over hers making her look at me.
"Please. Don't go."
"Chat.... I gotta to protect you guys."
"Espirit. I love you more then anything in the world and you can't go through this alone. Not again."
"He still wants me to join his team Chat." She told
"And we will make him regret it. I'm sorry with how I acted...."
"It was fair of you to do so. I hid it for so long. I shouldn't be forgiven."
"You hid it for that long because you wanted me to spend one last Christmas and New Years as a family. And I did. I didn't understand why at first but now that I do.... I don't want to lose you babe. I can't lose you to him. And I sure as hell won't let you go through this alone anymore."
"I always thought I was destined to repeat what happened in Australia. That everything good in my life will turn bad."
"I'm still here. The team is still here. We're not going anywhere."
"I have a problem Chat."
"We can get through it together. I know we will." I told as I cupped her face and she leaned into my hand.
"I love you Chat."
"I love you as well Espirit." I told as I slowly began to lean towards her
"Chat I need to tell you something...."
"We can talk about it later. I promise."
We bridge the gap and I was finally happy that she was back with us again.

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