Chapter 11

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I sat in the coffee shop alone for an hour. I felt sorry for Hannah because she had no one. I knew Derek would react in an negative way and honestly I imagined it to be much worse. I went home. It began to rain very softly. The rain soothed me for some odd reason. I entered my house and went into my room. I plopped on to my bed and let out a big sigh. I felt a slight poke in my lower back. I reached underneath me and found a note from Hannah:

Dear Winnie,
Thank you so much for what you have been doing these past few weeks. I have some new news for you that might shock you a bit. I couldn't call and tell you this and I definitely couldn't tell you in person. My pregnancy is going well. I have been going to check ups. Winnie, I have met someone who is going to help me. His name is Austin. He has money and we are moving out of state and moving to California where his family lives. We probably won't see each other for a long time so I wanted to take the time in this note to apologize. For everything we ever did to you. I love you Winnie. Thank you so much...

This was something I did not expect of Hannah. I had been left speechless a lot lately in a bad way. I was getting tired of it. I tried calling Hannah several times but she did not pick up. I figured she was just avoiding me, but when I went to school on Monday she was not there. I told Corey about everything and he thought it was odd. "I mean, think about it, she just leaves with this dude nobody has ever met before and goes all the way to California? Doesn't this whole thing sound suspiciously strange to you?" I nodded. "Yeah, your right." I suddenly felt an awful feeing in my gut. "Wait," I said suddenly. Corey looked at me worriedly. "What is it?" What if Derek was up to something? "I know you don't know him, he is my ex boyfriend from forever ago. He was with Hannah after we broke up. Hannah had some complications and Derek needed to help Hannah. I told him he needs to support her through this situation she is going through and he didn't respond well.." The bell rang for the next class. "So, you think this guy is trying to hurt Hannah in some way or something? That sounds a little crazy." Corey was right but I still felt like something was a little off. I then said, "You don't know Derek. He's, well he's not a very kind person. That's a nice way to describe him." We walked into Chemistry together and sat down at our table. "Well, I don't know this guy Winnie but I do know one thing." I then asked, "What?" He looked me in the eyes and said, "I won't let him hurt you." I smiled at him and he smiled a warm smile back. I felt better when class started and my thoughts about Derek doing anything crazy went away. I did know that Corey made me feel better and I was thankful for him being there for me. What I didn't know that day in class was that something was about to happen. Something bad. Something that I will never forget...

Did you like this chapter? I hope you did! Look forward to more coming soon! Thanks for reading. 😘

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