Chapter 7

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" Are you okay? What happened?"
"I'm fine. My mom was having some headache problems, she is okay though."
I felt bad for being angry at Corey because I thought he was ditching me. I felt like such an asshole. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, maybe we can hang out sometime tomorrow?"
"That would be great."
"Cool, I will call you later." "Okay, bye Corey." After that short call on the phone, I went downstairs and made myself something to eat. I sat at the table alone and ate my food.

After I ate , I went to my room and grabbed my pen and started to write. I wrote all my thoughts down almost everyday. Writing was a way for me to escape reality. Well, writing and music.

I blared my music and began to write. The black pen gracefully glided across the paper. Words began to come together and my thoughts started flowing smoothly.

I wrote for about 2 hours and then my phone rang. "Hello?" It was Corey. "Hey, it's me. I just wanted to talk." I smiled. "I'm glad you called back." He told me his mom has been feeling lightheaded and has been having terrible headaches. "What did the doctor say was wrong with her?" He explained to me that the doctor said she is fine. She was just having bad chronic headaches. "That's good, I'm glad she is okay."
"Me too. "
"So, other than going to the hospital, how was your day?"
"It was good, I thought about you. I wish we could have gotten the chance to hang out today." The giddy little butterfly's in my stomach began to flutter. For a moment, I could feel heat from my cheeks as they turned into a light shade of red. "I wish we could've too..." A brief silence occurred and then Corey spoke. "So, are you still down for a simple movie at my place?" What kind of movies do you like?"
"I will watch whatever, I like tons of different movies."
"Okay, well you can look through all of my movies tomorrow and we can decided then."
"Sounds good to me, so where do you live?"
"Oh, you will see. You can ride home with me after school tomorrow if you want.."
"You have a car?! You're so freakin lucky."
"Yep, it's not the best car but it's still a car ya know?"
"Yeah, an okay car is a whole lot better than no car!" I heard my mom come through the front door. "Winslow! Come here please!"
"Aww man, my mom is home from work. I gotta go Corey."
"Are you going to ride with me after school?"
"Uh huh, yep."
"Alright, see ya later Winnie."

I went downstairs to see why mom needed me. "Honey why does the kitchen look like this?" I looked over at the kitchen. I had left a disaster from earlier when I pigged out on junk food. "Umm well you see I was kinda hungry.." My mom just stared at me. "I can see that. Well sweetie now you get to clean up your mess. "Oh come on mom, really?"
"Yes really. Start cleaning now dork. If you hate hearing me complain, next time at least clean up after yourself so you won't have to hear me gripe! " And with that, she went to the living room and started watching tv. I was left to clean disgusting mess I had made.

"Mom?" She had a bag of chips. Crunch crunch crunch. "Yeah?" She spoke without bothering to look at me. She was to busy watching some soap opera on the TV. "The kitchen is clean now." I looked at the bag of chips. "Can I have a chip?"
"Well of course, here." She handed me a tortilla chip. I sat down beside her on the couch. "Where is Dad?"
"Still at work." Its almost 9 o clock! I thought.
"That's pretty late for his work don't you think?"
"Eh, he will be here soon enough."
I decided I wanted to tell my mom about Corey. "So, guess what Mom?"
"I'm talking to this guy and his name is C-"
She turned and looked at me with excitement in her eyes. "You are talking to a boy! That's cool, is he cute?" I smiled and nodded.
"What's his name?"
"His name is Corey, he is new at school. We have talked for a little bit and we want to hang out tomorrow after school.." I waited for her to respond but she just kept munching on those stupid chips. I stared and her and then she finally looked at me.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Did you hear a word I just said?"
"Of course I did honey! You know I listen to you.." "Really? Then what did I just say?"
"His name is Corey."
"And?" She looked pretty lost after that pretty much.
"Can we hang out tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure, I don't care."
"Really?! Thanks mom!"
I gave her a huge hug. She laughed and said, "You're welcome honey. You need some time out of the house anyway."

Later on I went back to my room and then went to bed. I didn't have any nightmares that night.

Hey, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Look forward to Chapter 8 very soon. Thank you so much for reading my stories! Love you all! 😘

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