Chapter 12

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I went home after school and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels and looked for something that looked good to watch. The news came on as I flipped through the channels. Normally, I would not watch the news but something caught my attention and made me stop. The news reporter on the screen was discussing a new a story. It was a breaking news kind of story. The news reporter was taking about a missing person. "The young girl was last seen by her mother a day or two ago. No sign of her whereabouts. Her name is Hannah and not only is she missing, she is also pregnant. If you have any information please call." Before I could respond my phone started to ring. I reached over and grabbed it. I barely mentioned to sputter out the word,"Hello?" It was Corey. "Winnie have you seen the news?! I told you something was weird about her story! I knew it." I didn't know what to say. I finally managed to say, "Jesus Christ what do I do Corey?"
"What can you do? You can look for her but there really isn't much you can do at this point. It's not your fault she's missing." I sat and thought about it after Corey and I finished talking on the phone. I felt like it was my fault she was gone. In the back of my mind I knew that Derek has something to do with all of this.

Thump, thump, thump. My pencil was hitting my notebook as I pondered on what to write. I needed to let out some steam. My parents came home and I told them what happened. Hannah used to be one of my best friends and so this shocked and concerned my parents very much. That night I called Derek and he didn't answer. I started to panic. I needed to find out some answers. I wanted so badly to get to the bottom of all this.

The police came to our school a few days later to ask students questions. I was in English when they first came in. After about 3 or 4 people, it was my turn to be questioned. Our principal, Mr. Crenshaw, called me out of class. I was greeted by 2 police officers and the chief of police. He was a tall man and he seemed to be in his mid forties. "Hello Winslow, my name is Bradley Graddy." He put out his hand. I gave a slight smile and shook his hand. I knew this man from somewhere. It took me a while to recognize him but I soon realized it was Derek's dad.

Hey guys, I'm sorry for such an awkward ending! I hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading and look forward to more soon. :)

I appreciate all the voting and commenting you guys do. It really gives me more inspo to write stories! Thanks you so much, love you all! 😘

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