Chapter 10

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"Bubba I'm scared, it's gunna hurt!" The doctors office was crowed with tons of people. "I had to get one just now, it wasn't that bad. The band aids are awesome. Look, mine has Scooby Doo on it!" My brother removed his sleeve and showed me his band aid. "Winslow?" The nurse called my name and I knew then it was my turn to get a shot. "Come on honey, it will be over soon I promise," my mom said. I got my shot and came back out. "See? It wasn't that bad huh?" "Nope, it wasn't. You were right! Look at mine!" Now, it was my turn to show off my colorful band aid.
*flashback over*

"So, how are you feeling?" Hannah was sitting on my bed reading some baby book. "Alright I guess. I'm really tired all the time and I feel like I have gained 100 pounds already!"
"Have you told Derek about this baby Hannah?" She looked over at me and said, "No, I haven't and I don't plan on it. He is not going to help me." I couldn't believe my ears. "You need to tell him."

"No, I don't. He doesn't give a shit about me or this baby." I sighed. That sad thing about her saying that was that she was right. Derek was a douche bag. "Let me tell him for you."

I called Derek and told him to meet me at this coffee shop that I always loved to go to. At first, he disagreed to it but he finally gave in and met me there. "So what's this all about?" I too a sip from my hot coffee and spoke. "Didn't you date Hannah?" He looked at me with a confused face. "Yeah, what about her?"

"She's pregnant." A wave of silence seemed to cover over the entire coffee shop. Derek and I sat and did not say a word for along time. He finally spoke. "I'm uh, going to go home. I can't do this." He stood up to leave. "I'm not doing this! I have my whole life ahead of me man!"

He stormed out of the coffee shop, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Sorry this chapter was short! I hope you liked it! 😘

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