Chapter 3

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The rest of the day was nice and Corey and I talked about things over lunch. We made small talk for about 30 minutes. I asked him about his favorite hobbies and what he liked about moving and all of that stuff. He asked simple questions about me. I walked with him to his next class after lunch. When it was time for us to go our separate ways to to different classes I told him good luck and to have a good rest of the day. He smiled his beautiful smile and thanked me and then entered the classroom. As I walked to my own class I felt a sudden feeling inside me. I had actually stayed calm and acted normal around someone who was attractive. The rest of the day went by quickly and I soon made it home. I went upstairs to my room and did not come out for several hours. That is how it went for me always. I hated coming out of my room because I did not want to see my parents. They were still depressed from my brothers death, which I can understand. I just did not want to be around them for some reason and when I did go around my parents I rarely exchanged more than two or three words with either of them. That night, I dreamed a horrible nightmare and woke up late at night sweating. I eventually went back to sleep. When I awoke that morning I looked like a zombie and so I did what I usually did every morning. I threw my brown hair up in a bun and put on sweatpants and a big baggy sweatshirt. I hardly ever wore makeup. I looked into the mirror and my green eyes were tired. I grabbed my bag and my favorite book and left for school. I arrived at school and went to my first period. I slipped into class as silently and invisibly as possible. English was my first class and I was rather good at it. I loved my teacher, Mrs Lawson. The class started as the bell signaled the beginning of the day. "So, how is everyone?" Most of the class gave out murmurs and grumbles signifying that everyone was exhausted . "Well, I'm so glad you all are so enthusiastic about school!"
The class went by quickly because we watched a video over a special book we were reading about. Chemistry soon rolled around and I was anxious to see Corey. He was in class before I was that day and he smiled at me when I walked in. "Hey, what's up?" I smiled and responded, "Hey, I'm pretty good. I'm tired. But, then again, I'm always tired so it's nothing new." He nodded and to me it seemed as though he understood how I felt. He proved my thoughts correct when he said, "Yeah, I get it. I always feel tired. It's hard for me to sleep at night because of all my nightmares."
Huh, so he has night mares too.. thats interesting, I thought. "That's sucks." The teacher walked in the room and began the lesson before Corey could respond to my comment. It annoyed me because I wanted to keep talking to Corey.

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