Chapter 21

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I stood in front of the grave, flowers in my hand. A single silent tear trickled down my wind blown cheek.

Ya know, the world is a crazy place. It's full of pain, laughter, struggle, anger, joy, and so many other crazy feelings and emotions.

Here on this day I am standing at my brothers grave with love and warmth in my heart. My brother was a wonderful person. A person who I looked up to in so many ways and I will remember him for what he was. An amazing person.

I will miss him forever, but I know that he can see me. He is looking down on me right now smiling.

My words used to be full of anger. My words were once full of fear and pain and hurt. My words were hateful and filled with spite.

Corey changed me and and my words. He is with me now. Like I said before, when I'm with Corey I'm at bliss. Corey helped me grow as a person. My words are now more pure and confident because of him.

I leaned down and placed the flowers on the grave. I smiled a sniffled and I whispered," I love you."

I left the grave and went into Corey's car. He was leaning up against his car smiling at me.

"You okay?"

I smiled and said, "I'm wonderful."

My body fell into his open arms and he embraced me in a tight bear hug.

"Winnie, have I told you before that I love you?"

I grinned and he did too and we leaned in for a kiss.

In life, things are going to probably go from shitty to worse. There may be really sucky days. But don't let your pain affect you words. Make your words reflect who you are. My words are mine and they are who I am. Make your words yours. Make your words represent the person you are.

Omg is this story really over?! Did you get the feels when she put the flowers on her brothers grave? Because I did!
Anyway, I will be writing more stories soon, it just may take some time! I truly appreciate everyone who reads my stories. I love you guys with all my heart.

P.s. Comment your favorite part in the story in the comments because I'm curious! 😘

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