Chapter 19

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"Hello?" His voice was raspy. "Winnie, why are you calling me this late?" He paused for a second and then spoke again. "And were the heck have you been? I came to pick you up earlier and you weren't home. Are you mad at me or something?" I was shivering from the rain. "Corey, it's a really long story. I'm not mad at you. I will explain. I just need you to come pick me up," I said desperately. "Pick you up?! Where are you? I can hear rain, are you outside?!"

"Yes, I'm a few blocks down from Derek Graddy's house." A pause. "Why are you near Derek's house Winnie? What the hell is going on?" I started to shake furiously from the wind and rain now. "Corey, I need your help, they are going to kill me."

"Who?" "Hannah and Derek." "Hannah?!" I started walking further down the street. "Yes, she's alive and well," I said bitterly. "Give me a second, okay? I will be there as fast as I can."

Corey pulled up soon in his car and I got in. "I'm sorry, for getting your car wet." He looked over at me. "Did you seriously just say that to me? I don't care that much about this stupid car! I'm worried about you! Why were you standing out here in the pouring rain in the middle of the goddamn night?!" I ran my hand through my long wet hair. "They kidnapped me," I whispered. "Hannah was never missing. She has been planning this for years," I said as I stared ahead. The raindrops were hitting the windshield violently as I spoke. I told Corey everything. Corey jaw was clenched. "We are going to go to the police. Tonight."

We made it to the police station.
"I need to speak with chief of police," Corey said as I stood close to him. His hand was wrapped tightly around mine and his voice was serious and steady. "I'm sorry he is not available right now. What's the problem?" The woman behind the desk was a fat old lady who had white hair. She never looked up as she talked. She was rude and I didn't like her. This time I said something. "Ma'am, this is very important. We have to people who are very dangerous out on the loose. " The white haired lady looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Young lady you can either take you and your attitude and leave now, or you can sit and wait a couple minutes. It's your choice."
"Listen lady these phycos tried to kill my girlfriend!" As he said this, Corey slammed his hand on the counter hard with a loud thud. I jumped. Before the old lady could respond, Derek's dad showed up. "Woah , what's going on here son?"
"Sir, this is important. Can we please speak with you?" Derek's dad looked over at the snobby desk lady and then back at Corey. "Come this way to my office and we can talk about the problem." We followed him into his office. As we followed, I wondered how he was going to react when he found out his own son tried to kill me.

Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks so much for the support, look forward to the next chapter soon. Love you guys! 😘😘

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