Chapter 2

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I didn't ever intend to hurt the people around me all that time after my brother died. My heart was torn apart and I put up walls. The many months after his death were so painful, I had to force myself to get out of bed. At school I stayed silent and did not speak to anyone. I wouldn't raise my hand to answer questions in class like I used to. My friends abandoned me and treated me like a stranger at school. It was hurtful. It seemed like I would never be happy again, but then one day a new kid came to school. His name was Corey. I liked him the moment I saw his face. I know it's sounds crazy but it's true. I remember when he walked into Chemistry on his first day. The teacher put him at my table because I was all alone and the other tables were full. He came over to the table and smiled at me. His beautiful blue eyes made me loose my thoughts. "Hey, my name is Corey." I tried to put myself together and speak English correctly. I put on my best smile and finally spoke. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Winslow. How is has your first day been so far?"
"It's been alright I guess. Everybody has been polite so I guess that's good." He reached into his notebook and pulled out a slip of paper. "This is my schedule." He handed me his schedule and I looked over it. He had several classes with me including chemistry and he had lunch with me. I looked up and handed him back the paper. "You have a nice schedule. We have a few classes together and we also have lunch together."
"That's cool, maybe you could show me around then? I will feel really stupid if I walk into a wrong class!" I laughed and agreed to show him where everything was. That was a good day for me because it took my mind off all the negative thoughts in my brain. I didn't know Corey that well but I remember thinking about how cute he was, and I remember how much I liked his smile. The rest of that day was smooth and relaxing. It was the first day in months I had felt a little bit happier.

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