Chapter 15

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"Explain this plan to me one more time, because I'm still not so sure if this is the best idea." Corey and I were sitting outside in my back yard swinging on the swing set. "I'm simply going to go talk to Stacey to see if she knows anything about Hannah's disappearance." My mom came walking out and sat down on the ground. My mom was really laid back, she just was a really busy woman. "Hey guys, what's up?"
"Aren't you going to tell her Winnie?" My mom looked back and both me and Corey. "Tell me what?" I looked at my mom as I was swinging. "I'm going to talk to Stacey Cox about Hannah." She didn't say anything or respond.

That night after Corey and I got off the phone I was laying in bed thinking about my Mom. I have so many memory's of my mother from when I was young. One night when I was about 10 I remember my mom had gotten into a fight with my dad. I could hear her crying and I wanted so badly to comfort her but I didn't know how. I creeped downstairs in my cute little pjs and went to her room. I opened the door. "Momma? Can I come in?" I could hear sniffling. "Yeah, come in sweetheart." I entered my mothers room. She was sitting on her bed and her makeup was all over her face. Her black mascara had left little marks down her cheeks. I came over and sat down on her bed next to her. "Hey momma, how are you doing?" She smiled and gave me a hug. "I'm doing good baby girl, how are you? I'm sorry you had to hear me and Daddy fighting again." She started crying again. I feel her tears soak into the fabric of my pjs. I hugged her and gave her a big squeeze. "I love you Mom, more than anything in this whole wide world. I don't care about the fights." She looked at me and smiled. "Since when did you learn to be tougher than me?" She laughed and I giggled. I pulled her back into a hug. "Everything is going to be fine momma. Don't worry." I smiled as the memory faded away as I drifted into sleep.

The next day I went to Stacy's house. I knocked on the door. A young girl answered the door. She had blond hair just like Stacy. I assumed this was her little sister. "Hi, " she said kindly. I flashed a genuine smile. "Hi, sweetheart is Stacy home?" The little girl said yes. "Let me go get her real quick." Stacy came to door after about 10 minutes. When she saw me her face looked disgusted. "What the hell are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes. How did I know she would react this way? "Look, it's not like I want to talk to you. I want to find Hannah. I need to ask you a few questions." She stood there and hesitated before speaking. Finally she said, "Fine, sure whatever. Make yourself at home." She opened the door and I entered her home. We went upstairs to her room. There were huge bean bags on her floor and I sat on one of those. "Do you know anybody who Hannah may have a trouble with before she disappeared?" Stacy wasn't looking me when she replied, "No, not really. That's what I don't understand. Why would anyone hurt her?"
"I don't know, " I said. "So, aren't you upset about any of this? I mean you both were like best friends right?" She rolled her eyes. "Me and her haven't talked in forever. The last time we talked was months before she disappeared." Interesting, I thought. "I miss her but what the hell do you want me to do about it. Why do you care?" She turned and looked at me. Her eyes looked tired. "Because she was my friend."
Stacy laughed. "Your doing this for her after all the crap we did to you? Your one crazy bitch." She then started crying hysterically. "I'm sorry Winnie , I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend to you. I'm sorry for everything. I have done so many bad things. So many bad things." I came over and hugged her. "Shhhh, it's okay. We all fuck up sometimes."

I left Stacy's. Another dead end. Stacy didn't do anything to Hannah. She was an emotional wreck but she didn't do anything. At that point I was ready to give up. I didn't know where to turn to. I make it home and my parents are fighting. I walk in and my Dad is grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. He didn't been acknowledge me as he stepped out the door. It turns out my Dad has been cheating on my Mom. This is exactly what I needed. Hannah goes missing a now this? What else could possibly go wrong?

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