Chapter 17

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I sat in front of my computer. Hannah was still missing and it had been 3 months. Her parents were terrified and hadn't slept in weeks. I was giving up hope. Corey and I had spent hours looking through Hannah's stuff ( with permission of course) and searching for clues. Nothing turned up. Everyone had forgotten about her at school. They acted like they were grieving over her but they didn't really care anymore. I could tell. The police had been "doing everything possible". The rest of my life was going well other than the fact that Hannah was missing. Corey and I finally decided to make it official that we were a couple. We would hold hands while walking down the hall. It was a nice thing, a comforting thing. I decided to call him. "Hello?" His voice sounded like I just woke him up. "Hey babe, can I come over for a while?" "Of course, I will be there in a sec." The call ended and I waited for Corey to come pick me up. It was around 5 in the afternoon and my parents weren't home. They would not have cared if I asked them anyway. They were to mixed up in their own personal shit to care what I did. The doorbell rang. I happily walked down the stairs. I smiled and imagined Corey smiling his goofy grin as I opened the door.
It wasn't Corey.
I felt a sharp pain in my head. Everything went black.

I slowly opened my eyes. It was dark. I tried to look around and see if I recognized anything. Nope. I started to panic. I was tied up in a chair and I could feel hands start to ache from the rope. Suddenly, a door opened from across the room and someone stepped in. A light turned on and I finally got to see who was responsible for this happening to me.


She smiled and I could feel my mouth open from shock. There was a moment of silence and then she spoke, "Hey, long time no see!" She laughed an awful laugh and smiled again. "What the hell Hannah?"
"Did you really think that someone stole me or something? I mean, c'mon. " She rolled her eyes. She walked over to me and sat down on the floor and crossed her legs criss cross applesauce style like from 2nd grade. "I never was pregnant. I just faked it. After I wrote you that letter I left town for a while. Me and Derek both left." My brain was not registering anything at that point. I was so angry and all I wanted to do was my put hands around her neck. "What is the point in all this Hannah?" She rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh, you ask to many questions! You will find out why you are here soon enough." And with that, she got up and walked out of the room shutting off the light as she left, leaving me once again with the darkness.

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