Chapter 13

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"Were you close with Hannah?" I shrugged and said, "We used to be a long time ago, she just came to me one day and told me her situation." He said, "And what was her situation?" I said, "She told me she was pregnant." He eyed me suspiciously. "We already know that, was there anything else?" I hesitated then said, "She dated Derek, your son, for a while. They broke up later on but he used to hit her. He abused her. He later found out about the baby and freaked out." I gave out a sigh of relief. I was tired of having that inside my head. I spoke again, gaining more courage, "Derek was also very abusive towards me when we dated. He needs to stop doing this to girls. Sir, your son is dangerous."

Later on when school was over, I went to Corey's house. "So, the chief of police is Derek's dad?! Wow, this is some crazy shit." I nodded and in agreement and said, "I know." I had been going over to Corey's house after school for about several week in a row. I told my mom I was doing horrible in Chemistry and he was my tutor. Of course, we never studied. We would sit and chat for hours about meaninglessness little things and laugh our butts off. It was nice, being with Corey. "So, you want to do something fun?" I smiled, "Okay, like what?" He took my hand and leaded me to a huge closet in his hallway. "I used to play baseball for fun all the time. My Dad was my first coach. I have a lot of left over stuff. Do you want to go toss the ball around?"

I used to play softball and I loved it. I played for 8 years and I loved every second of it. I grabbed a glove from the closet. "Yeah, let's go." We drove down to a baseball field and played catch. Corey could throw really well, and I was a little rusty. He would pitch and I would do some hitting. He has pitched me a ton of balls I'm I kept on doing horribly. I was so embarrassed. He laughed and smiled, "Here, let me help you." He helped me and I started hitting them. We goofed around and he was chasing me around the field. He batted and put his glove down. I stole his glove and wouldn't give it back. I ran and I was fast but Corey was faster. I started laughing and I began to slow down. Corey caught up to me and we both fell on to the green grass. I was now laughing so hard for no reason. Tears began to stream down my face. Corey was laughing at me. I'm sure it was entertaining. I finally stopped and we both rested on the grass and didn't say anything. Finally, we both looked at each other. I grinned like the dork that I was and Corey flashed his beautiful smile at me. I looked deep into his blue eyes. Neither of us said a word. I leaned in and so did he. The moment was perfect and I had never felt more alive. Our lips touched softly as we kissed. It wasn't and sloppy kiss, it was a perfect kiss. His lips were soft and he moved together with me perfectly. After about 30 seconds we stopped, it was beautiful.
On the car ride home Corey drove and held my hand. His hand was warm and secure and just for a moment I could feel entirely at bliss. For a moment, I could feel at peace because he was with me.

I hoped you guys liked it! Thanks for reading, more to come soon! 😘😘😘

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