How It Began

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Location: Beacon Academy Dorms

*Knocking on door*

Y/N: One moment please!

I tossed on a shirt and unlocked my door to be met face to face with Pyrrha Nikos. I had promised her we'd go sparring today as we do just about every other.

Y/N: Hey Pyrrha, it's good to see you.

I gestured for her to come inside. She nodded and sat down at a small table in the corner of my dorm room.

Y/N: *rushing around* I'll be ready to go in a second, let me grab my weapon and some bandages.

Pyrrha: It's only sparring Y/N, maybe we shouldn't do armed combat tonight.

Y/N: I'll be fine Pyrrha, there is a medical facility next to the sparring building. Plus I have learned the limit of my aura in its current state.

Pyrrha: Even still, I'd rather you not risk doing anything fatal to your body. You remember what happened last time you sparred, it was against team CRDL in Ms, Goodwitch's class don't you?

Y/N: I'm sorry Pyrrha, but I don't. I'm still a bit foggy about that event, I know I collapsed, felt awful too, I just can't put my finger on why.

Pyrrha: You had cut yourself too many times and had expended too much blood energy. Your aura couldn't keep producing enough blood nor replace it, and you collapsed from the loss.

Y/N: That was at the beginning of the year to be fair. It sounds like it could've been worse, plus it'll be a one on one, not a one on four this time. My aura and semblance should be able to keep pace.

I walked out of my dorm, Phyrra following suit.

Pyrrha: You were out for three days in intensive care Y/N. You could've died that day, and you're lucky the doctors could patch you up so quickly.

Y/N: That may be true Pyrrha, but out there, out in the real world our enemies won't play fair. I need to push myself to my limits and then break said limits. Otherwise, I won't be ready to take on the Grimm. Plus, out on the battlefield, I can use the blood of enemy Grimm and enemies I must detain instead of just my own.

Pyrrha just shook her head and sighed in defeat. I know she's worried about me and just wants to make sure I don't die. I need to be stronger though, not just for myself, but my four girlfriends too... team RWBY.


Location: Team RWBY's Dorm

Y/N: Hello everyone, you wanted to talk to me?

Ruby: Yes, please come take a seat with us.

I walked over to the four girls, each sitting on their respected bed. I always found it funny how they could've just moved two of the beds to the other end of the room, but instead opted to makeshift them into bunks. However, I got to admire the creative ways they've stacked their beds to begin with. I sat down on the top of the bookshelf in between the bunk beds.

Y/N: So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?

Ruby: Well... it's kind of a long story, do you have time to wait here for a bit?

Y/N: Yeah I don't see why not. I'm going to spar with Pyrrha, but that's not until tonight.

Ruby: *sigh* Okay... do you remember when we first met Y/N?

Y/N: Of course I do, it was the night before the initiation test when we were all stuck in the main auditorium for the night.

Ruby: You came over when we were all fighting with each other didn't you?

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