Unique Introductions

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Location: Beacon Academy Auditorium

I was sitting down on my sleeping bag, sharpening my knife for the test tomorrow. I'd somehow managed to create a rather nasty chip in the blade. It probably happened when I was knocked onto the pavement by some blond kid running to a trash can upon arrival.

???: W-wait! What are you doing?!

I looked up and watched as a girl with black hair and silver eyes was dragged off by a blond girl with lilac eyes. I had seen them both before, I think it was on the Bullhead here. They were both approaching a third girl with black hair and amber eyes, currently reading a book visible to her via candle light.

???: Hello! I believe you two may know each other?

???: Aren't you the girl that exploded?

???: Uh... yeah! *holds out hand* My name is Ruby.

The girl with amber eyes either didn't notice or was too invested in her book to shake Ruby's hand.

Ruby: *drops hand* But you can just call me crater... ah, actually you can just call me Ruby.

???: Okay...

It was amusing watching Ruby and blonde awkwardly stumble over each others words, while amber eyes kept her full attention on the book she was reading. Waiting a bit longer I got their names. The blonde, who was also Ruby's sister was Yang and Miss amber eyes was Blake. Blake continued to be standoffish, seemingly irritated about her inability to read the book in peace. Yang was about to leave with her sister until Ruby asked Blake what the book was about. I could tell it had caught Blake off guard, but it only showed for a moment as she quickly went on to explain the story to Ruby. A story of a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body. I've read that one before, unfortunately I never finished the story as I lost it seemingly out of nowhere one day. Ruby began to tell Blake about the stories Yang used to read her, which is what inspired her to be a huntress in hopes to achieve a happy ending for everyone.

Blake: That's... very ambitious for a child, unfortunately the real world isn't the same as a fairytale.

As optimistic as Ruby is, Blake is right. We're not all going to survive this war, I'm not even sure if we can even end it. The Grimm, The White Fang, everything...

???: What in the world is going on over here?!

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back up at the thr- no four now. I recognized the fourth girl almost immediately, Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. I sheathed my knife and began walking towards the four of them. I don't think they'll do anything to harm each other. However, a silent Miss mysterious, two roughed up siblings and a heiress to one of Remnants most massive company's all together seems like a brew for disaster.

Weiss: Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep?

Yang & Weiss: Oh not you again!

Ruby: Guys shush! She's right people are trying to sleep.

Weiss: *sarcastically* Oh now you're on my side?

Ruby: I was always on your side!

Yang: Yeah what's your problem with my sis-

Y/N: I know this is not my affair, but if you don't mind me asking, is everything alright?

The four of them turned their attention to me, each seeming to calm down a little being seen taking a deep breath or turning away from the other.

Ruby: Ye-yeah. Sorry if we were bothering you.

Weiss: Speak for yourself, I was just stating what everyone else would agree with.

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