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Location: Beacon Academy's Cafeteria

I sat down at a table with team RWBY and JNPR, noticing a blond hotheaded pun-maker  wasn't with them.

Y/N: *sits down* Hey guys, do any of you know by chance where Yang is?

Ruby: She said that she wasn't feeling that good, something about her stomach bothering her. She stayed at our dorm to rest.

That's weird, usually if one of them are sick or injured, I'm the first person they'd message. Maybe it was really sudden and they didn't have enough time to inform me.

Y/N: Alright, well I'm going to get her something to eat and go check up on her and make sure she's doing okay.

I got up to leave but felt Ruby grab tightly onto my arm. I'm used to the girls being playfully clingy and trying to stop me from leaving. The problem was that this grip didn't feel playful or loving, it felt more aggressive, as if she was trying to prevent me from seeing Yang almost. Maybe I'm just reading too much into a simple grab of my arm, but lately the four of them have been acting rather strange lately. Between the very unordinary dates paired with how weird Weiss was acting, and now Yang? Yet again, I suppose people can change and sometimes, albeit rare, those changes happen overnight.

Ruby: *looks at Weiss and Blake* S-she said that she'd really prefer it if she were left alone. It was pretty bad when we were leaving and she doesn't want you seeing her in the current condition.

Y/N: *chuckles* Ruby, Yang and all of you know that I'd never judge you based on looks alone. After all, true beauty is much more than skin deep. I don't care if her body transformed into a Beowolf, I'd still think she's a wonderful woman.

Weiss: *stands up* She's also worried that she might get you sick too. Yang isn't quite sure if what she has is contagious, and she doesn't want to risk giving you whatever she might have.

Y/N: * gently pulls arm away from Ruby* I don't know why she'd be worried about that, I've got a pretty strong immune system. Not to mention, if I do get sick I can al-

Blake: Y/N!

I turned my attention over to Blake whose hands had slammed into the table. Her fist were tightened and her amber eyes looked as if they were on the edge of shedding tears. Weiss turned her gaze to Blake and began rubbing her back softly, the same way I'd calm her down when she'd begin to panic. Ruby then looked at me, her silver eyes seemed somewhat dulled but it was probably because of the rather lackluster lighting in the cafeteria.

Ruby: *reaches into skirt pocket* I assume we can't stop you from seeing her?

Y/N: *sighs* I'm sorry my Darling Rose, you know how I am when it comes to stuff like this.

Ruby: *looks away* Um... just make sure to be careful on your way back to the dorms.

Y/N: Yeah, of course I'll be careful. *begins to walk away* I'll see you all later tonight.

As I walked away I noticed Ruby typing on her scroll almost frantically. I wonder what is going on with the three of them? I hope I didn't do anything to upset them. I went into the cafe and grabbed a canister of soup and a ginger soft drink to help Yang's stomach bug. As I made my way back to the dorms across the academy, something felt off about what had just transpired in the cafeteria. The way Ruby and Weiss were trying to sway me from going to the dorm, on top of Blake's sudden outburst... it all just feels so off. I think I'm just reading too much into it like I do with so many things, but I just can't shake this terrible feeling. Thankfully the feeling is beginning to subside, I'm sure it's just that boyfriend instinct of being worried for your lover. The feeling is beginning to subside, probably because I'm getting closer to the dorm building.

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