Too Far

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Location: Beacon Academy's Cafeteria

I sat down with my lunch and began eating with team RWBY and JNPR. The day felt off since this morning, and I was getting that gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. I originally chalked it up to me being hungry, but as the days gone on, it's only gotten worse. As of right now, it's at the worst it's been all day...

Ruby: Y/N, are you feeling okay?

Her words snapped me out of my trance and I looked up from my plate of food, soon realizing that it was nearly completely empty.

Y/N: *swallows food* Y-yeah I'm fine Ruby, why do you ask?

Ruby: You've been very quiet for the last fifteen minutes, not to mention, you're scarfing down your food like there's no tomorrow.

Has it really been fifteen minutes since I sat down? I looked down at my watch and sure enough it had been. I was caught off guard for a moment by the gut-twisting pain heightening again. The pain must've been visible as I felt Yangs hand grab my shoulder.

Yang: Are you sure you're feeling alright

Y/N: Of course, I... I just have this feeling that something bad is about to happen. I just can't put my finger on what. I'm sure it's just a test I'm forgetting about or something along those li-

???: Ow, h-hey let go!

The pain subsided suddenly, and I knew that whatever was happening behind me was the source of it. I turned around to see who else but Beacons school bullies team CRDL messing with Velvet.

Cardin: See, I told you they were real!

Cardin's goons began laughing at a humiliated and crying Velvet. A new feeling arose from within me, I could feel my blood boiling with rage. I felt my fists tighten and stood up, walking hastily towards team CRDL.

Sky: *sacrastically* Uh oh Cardin, looks like some valiant hero has come to save this freak of a princess!

Dove: Hey Sky, isn't that the kid that uses blood weapons?

Sky: *pretends to look closer* Well I'll be damned, it is Dove!

Russel: Well isn't that just perfect, a freak for a freak!

The four of them burst into a hideous and gnarly laughter as I continued to walk towards them. I was so tempted right there, right then to just use my blood weapons and put them in their place. However, I knew that would only result in me coming off as the attacker and I'd be pinned with the blame of this whole mess. I was about ten feet in front of Cardin now, he's still holding on to Velvets ears... that son of a bitch.

Cardin: *looks over to Velvet* Looks like your boyfriends here to pick you up, but I think you should stick around with me for a bit lon-

Y/N: Let her go Cardin...

He turned his gaze to me with a smug grin on his face.

Cardin: What's the problem Y/N, are you upset I'm messing with your girlfriend?

Y/N: I said let go of her...

His smile faded away, and we both stood there staring at each other with monotone expressions. After a minute he finally let go of her, pushing her to the ground in the process. He stood up and shrugged his shoulders.

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